#Oil lobby's financial pressure on Obama over #KeystoneXL pipeline revealed
Study shows money flowing to oil lobby ahead of decision on tar sands pipeline in the November elections
by Suzanne Goldberg, January, 2012
"Maplight found only two of the 118 members of the House of Representatives who list oil and gas industry among their top 10 campaign contributors opposed fast-tracking the pipeline. The two hold-outs were Ed Markey, the Massachusetts Democrat who headed the global warming committee that has since been disbanded by the Republican leadership in the house, and Charlie Bass, a New Hampshire Republican.
"Here's a look at some of the #OilAndGasIndustry's favourite members of Congress as compiled by Maplight – all members of the $100,000 club, and all supporters of a bill to push Obama to pass the pipeline – along with some of their recent statements on the Keystone tar sands project.
"From Steven Pearce, the New Mexico Republican, who heads the list, receiving $370,000 in direct contributions from the oil and gas industry in the two years from July 2009-July 2011. 'It is time to put the political games aside,' the congressman said on his website last month. 'We must all work together to ensure the culmination of projects, such as the Keystone pipeline.'
"Mike Pompeo, the Republican who represents the Wichita Kansas hometown of the oil billionaire Koch brothers, comes in number two on the list with $333,156 in industry contributions. Pompeo is also the main recipient of Koch political funds, according to another organisation tracking money and influence, Opensecrets.org.
"Bill Flores, a former oil company executive and a Republican from central Texas who received $266,184 in industry funds according to Maplight during the debate on the Keystone bill last July, has said: 'If we do not tap this valuable resource, the Chinese or other countries will.'
"Dan Boren, an Oklahoma Democrat who received $201,800, said the pipeline would create 'tens of thousands of new jobs' – claims that have been debunked by economists."
Read more:
#oil #keystonexl #OilAndGasIndustry #bigoil #bigoilandgas #BigOilKnew #oligarchy
Canada's options for intervening in the Keystone XL CUSMA lawsuit
https://monitormag.ca/reports/canadas-options-for-intervening-in-the-keystone-xl-cusma-lawsuit/ #ISDS #Cdnpoli #KeystoneXL #USMCA
#isds #cdnpoli #keystonexl #usmca
@igd_news why don't you cover the wild natives any more? Got infiltrated by feds and mounties? Oh canada. 🍁🍁🍁🍁🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 #nomoredrilling #oilsands #petrolCartels #keystoneXL #bidensoldOut
#nomoredrilling #oilsands #petrolcartels #keystonexl #bidensoldout
RT @howserob
.@MartinBrauch @jbentonheath @bilaterals_org @GJGarciaSanchez #NAFTA #USMCA #KeystoneXL https://twitter.com/howserob/status/1637730512004423682
Not JUST in "Other Countries".
I-880, California Loma Prieta quake. The upper level pancaked on the lower level. Inspection later found the construction company saved money by skimping on rebar. https://www.segregationbydesign.com/oakland/cypress Just like the #KeystoneXL pipeline that recently dumped a 1/2 MILLION GALLONS due to 'bend fatigue and faulty welds', Capitalism DEPENDS on LOW BIDS by builders for it's profits over people. Think about that next time you drive under a freeway overpass. #Turkey #Syria
"...states & int'l governance bodies are warming to the understanding that investment treaties threaten progress on #decarbonization #sustainable development, and the achievement of #humanrights
"As such, these cases—and the #KeystoneXL dispute in particular—provide a lesson ... unless unreasonable sunset periods are rolled back or canceled alongside #ISDS, the threat of investment arbitration to climate action will linger."
#canpoli #leaveitintheground
#decarbonization #sustainable #humanrights #keystonexl #isds #canpoli #leaveitintheground
You've probably heard of the #KeystoneXL pipeline, a hotly debated project which aimed to transport Canadian tar sands to the Gulf of Mexico. But you might not know after the Obama adminstration canceled the project in 2015, the company didn't take no for an answer. TransCanada filed something called an investor-state dispute settlement, claiming the U.S. owed them $15 billion. And when President Trump allowed Keystone XL to move forward in 2017, TransCanada suspended its ISDS case.
In 2017 we still had the second #KeystoneXL pipe to stop. now we have a spill near Nebraska. I've drawn the rough map of where the pipe goes, though it does not go through the two cities. Link to the blog in my second post.
In Kansas, crews contain largest-yet breach of Keystone Pipeline
#keystonexl #nokxl #pipeline #kansas #KeystonePipeline
"A ruptured pipe ... [became] the largest onshore crude pipeline spill in 9 years."
Keystone pipeline spill in [Mill Creek]
rural pastureland in Washington Co, KS
operator: Canada-based TC Energy
pipeline runs to OK
lost about 14K barrels, or 588K gals.
nearly 4,345 km long
tar-sands oil to refineries in IL, OK, & TX
~600K barrels per day to OK
#keystonexl #oil #oilspill #millcreek #wahingtoncounty #kansas
The #KeystoneXL pipeline spill in Kansas is gut wrenching and infuriating. How much destruction has to happen before it clicks with our elected leaders that oil and natural gas are not the future? Real people and critically important habitats are at grave risk. #POTUS should act immediately to block these pipelines!
This is why #KeystoneXL falling apart was a good thing.
Pipelines ARE NOT SAFE and can be environmentally destructive like this.
RT @WayneBuildsLNK@twitter.com
Tragedy unfolding on Keystone Pipeline near the Nebraska/Kansas border. What @TCEnergy@twitter.com will not admit is that they cannot “clean” this up. They will scrape the vegetation and topsoil, treat it, and haul to a landfill. Riparian (stream) damage for decade+.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WayneBuildsLNK/status/1601676264158294016
RT @zeitonline@twitter.com
Durch ein Leck in der Pipeline #KeystoneXL sind in den USA offenbar mehr als zwei Millionen Liter Öl ausgelaufen. https://www.zeit.de/wissen/umwelt/2022-12/keystone-xy-pipeline-leck-oel-usa-kanada-kansas-umweltkatastrophe?wt_zmc=sm.int.zonaudev.twitter.ref.zeitde.redpost.link.x&utm_medium=sm&utm_source=twitter_zonaudev_int&utm_campaign=ref&utm_content=zeitde_redpost_link_x
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/zeitonline/status/1601429861867966464
#Canada's #TCEnergy has shut the #Keystone #pipeline after one of the largest onshore spills saw 14,000 barrels leak into a #Kansas creek. Fears about such spills have thwarted #KeystoneXL oil pipeline extension, which Pres #Biden canceled in January 2021 https://bit.ly/3BmssVw
#Biden #keystonexl #kansas #pipeline #keystone #TCEnergy #canada
Continued… “It is troubling to see so many failures and so much #oil spilled from any pipeline, but it is especially troubling from such a relatively new #pipeline,” said Bill Caram, executive director of the nonprofit Pipeline Safety Trust, in a statement” #keystonexl
Wow. So all the protestors against the Keystone XL pipeline were on to something.
#keystonexl #keystone #dakotaaccess #firstnations
How criminalizing protests stifles climate justice
Anti-protest legislation is backed by oil and natural gas interests and obscures the violence of the fossil fuel industry.
#Grassroots #BLM #Racism #ClimateJustice #FossilFuelIndustry #Protest #KeystoneXL #Criminalization #AntiProtestBill
#grassroots #blm #racism #ClimateJustice #FossilFuelIndustry #protest #keystonexl #criminalization #AntiProtestBill
TC Energy seeks US$15B in NAFTA claim over Keystone XL - BNN Bloomberg https://bit.ly/3dEcDNI #TCEnergy #NAFTA #KeystoneXL #OilPipeline #cdnpoli
#tcenergy #nafta #keystonexl #oilpipeline #cdnpoli
Joe Biden Canceled Keystone XL. Indigenous Leaders Demand the Same for the Dakota Access Pipeline https://bit.ly/396sHG9
#KeystoneXL #StandingRock #NoDAPAL #WarterIsLife
#WarterIsLife #NoDAPAL #standingrock #keystonexl
RT @shot_gangster
We haven’t been this close to an all-out war with Canada since the War of 1812. And that was just Joe Biden’s first hour in the Oval Office. 🇨🇦 💥 🇺🇸 Good job, Joe. America is so proud of you.
#KeystoneXL #KeystoneXLPipeline #ExecutiveOrder
#keystonexl #keystonexlpipeline #executiveorder