상어상어 뚜룬(dúlún) · @dulunsche
43 followers · 399 posts · Server mustard.blog

이제 학교에는 안 쓰고 다니는 사람이 많은데, 저는 코로나가 걱정 되어서가 아니라 냄새에 예민하기 때문에.. 사람 없는 곳에 갈 때에도 마스크를 잘 하고 다님.

시외버스에서도 정도 마스크를 쓰면 차 냄새가 덜 나기 때문에 한결 낫고. 자전거 탈 때는 마스크를 써야 오히려 숨쉬기가 편한데 아마 베르누이 정리와 관련 있는 것 같음.

물론 진주에서 지인 만날 때는 제가 옮길 것을 걱정하기 때문에 마스크를 잘 하고 다님. 지인은 정말 작은 규모의 사업장에 다니고 있어서 아프기라도 하면 아주 곤란함.. 주변에 코로나 안 걸린 사람 별로 없는데 지인은 아직도 안 걸렸음.

저도 코로나 안 걸릴 수 있었는데.. 작년 1학기 입주할 때 코로나 음성확인서를 제출하라고 해서 그거 검사 받으러 갔다가 걸렸던 것이 모든 정황상 거의 확실하다고 추정 중. 몹시 억울하다..

#마스크 #kf94 #코로나 #기숙사

Last updated 1 year ago

Heather · @HeatherInNZ
179 followers · 1557 posts · Server mastodon.nz

Time to purchase more KN95 masks again.

Sad to see so many on clearance. Good for those still wearing them, but says something about how few are wearing them

Also also annoyed that it's so hard to find adult sizes in fun colours/patterns. Much more options with the Koren/ KF94 but they don't fit me comfortably because of my big nose 😂

#covid #masks #kn95 #facemasks #kf94

Last updated 1 year ago

ZorroCOVID · @themaskerscomic
297 followers · 1194 posts · Server forall.social

I did a Target curbside pickup and saw 2 employees masked, YAY! But one was surgical and one was cloth, and I'm not trying to be picky but if your gna wear one, wear one that actually protects you from these variants, at least kf94 or kn95, a n95 or better, and I want to tell them somehow but without offending them bc I'm so happy they're masking at all!

#maskup #n95 #kf94 #kn95 #ffp2

Last updated 2 years ago

ValK :unverified: · @ValK
1273 followers · 4382 posts · Server piaille.fr

Comme on me pose des question et qu’évidemment je ne maitrise pas le sujet, je rajoute le lien vers la chaine de @FitTestMyPlanet pour que vous puissiez voir les modalités de tests des masques /..../


#FFP2 #n95 #KN95 #kf94 #3m #auras #maskup

Last updated 2 years ago

ValK :unverified: · @ValK
1273 followers · 4380 posts · Server piaille.fr

... ... ... 😱
Je ne pensais pas que les (les "poissons") et les (les "canards") avaient un test de fitting aussi bas 😭 Heureusement que l'équivalent qu'on m'a offert (🖤 sur toi) est plus proche d'une moyenne "correcte" !

RT @FitTestMyPlanet
Current leaderboard. New shortlist V23 revision coming soon.

#kf94 #KN95 #puremask #maskup #autodefensesanitaire

Last updated 2 years ago

Dispatch from — LOTS more masks are being worn on the subway (even saw one !) over the past few days; still not many . Some and though.

Almost everyone without a mask is coughing 😒 correlation?


#brooklyn #nyc #flomask #n95 #kn95 #kf94 #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #coviddispatch #weararespirator #upgradeyourmask #sarscov2 #covid19 #covid #thisisourpolio

Last updated 2 years ago

ValK :unverified: · @ValK
1208 followers · 3730 posts · Server piaille.fr


Rappel que même si ça n'est pas à 100%, contre les aérosols & , contre la , contre le froid: les masques sont vos meilleurs alliés

RT @actu_nantes
Des manifestants ont mis des poubelles au niveau de la rue Louis blanc en direction du pont et les CRS ont t…

#greve31janvier #reformedesretraites #lacrymo #virus #reconnaissancefaciale #FFP2 #n95 #KN95 #kf94 #autodefensesanitaire #nantes #manifestation31janvier #reformesdesretraites

Last updated 2 years ago

ahimsa · @ahimsa_pdx
570 followers · 3644 posts · Server disabled.social

@MaskBlocPDX Tagging with and to help local folks find this

#pdx #masks #n95 #kf94 #portland

Last updated 2 years ago

ValK :unverified: · @ValK
1174 followers · 3243 posts · Server piaille.fr

@zii_0 j'ai cherché sur Ebay et j'ai regardé si je pouvais faire confiance aux personnes / boutiques qui en vendaient jusqu'à ce que je trouve un truc OK et que je commande, y'a deux ans et je tourne avec depuis (je suis essentiellement confinée et j'ai aussi un pour les occasions les plus craignos)

#kf94 #puremask

Last updated 2 years ago

Zii · @zii_0
39 followers · 104 posts · Server mastodon.gamedev.place

@ValK @benecologie tu les as trouvé où tes stp ? 🙏


Last updated 2 years ago

ValK :unverified: · @ValK
1170 followers · 3219 posts · Server piaille.fr

Si j'avais des sous, et la capacité de rester en manif, j'aurai trop kiffé filer des noirs tellement stylés et hyper confort pour respirer

Les gens qui offrez des trucs pour faire du bien, comme les petits mots antirep aussi, vous êtes mes phares dans le brouillard
RT @benecologie
Envie de faire du tractage sur le COVID et le port du masque en en distribuant autant que possible demain mais pas envie de me faire insult…

#kf94 #maskup

Last updated 2 years ago

ValK :unverified: · @ValK
1167 followers · 3199 posts · Server piaille.fr

Meilleure tenue <3

RT @ValKphotos
Contre les aérosols & & & , contre les , et même contre le froid, n'oubliez pas, les masques sont les bf du bb 💘
❤️‍🔥 twitter.com/shygal_j/status/16

#greve19janvier #lacrymo #covid #grippe #VRS #cameras #FFP2 #n95 #KN95 #kf94 #autodefensesanitaire

Last updated 2 years ago

ValK :unverified: · @ValK
1147 followers · 2966 posts · Server piaille.fr

Contre les aérosols & & & , contre les , et même contre le froid, n'oubliez pas, les masques sont les bf du bb 💘
RT @shygal_j
Le seul "uniforme" qu'on va porter c'est celui-là


#lacrymo #covid #grippe #VRS #cameras #FFP2 #n95 #KN95 #kf94 #autodefensesanitaire #grevegenerale #foustacagoule

Last updated 2 years ago

Sean Boyer · @sb
83 followers · 559 posts · Server fed.sbcloud.cc

No one from really follows me, so I'm just shouting into the here, but...

has never left us, has weakened us dramatically, and now we're all at greater risk of harm or death.

is MUCH more common than first thought. You might not even know it yet, but you could have irreparable damage to your heart, and other organs.

The ONLY masks that do ANYTHING are , , . Cloth and surgical masks are decorations.


#newbrunswick #void #covid #longcovid #n95 #kf94 #p100 #wearafuckingmask

Last updated 2 years ago

Tristan Harward · @trisweb
490 followers · 950 posts · Server m.trisweb.com

The moral of recent experiences with close contacts and lots of travel: good masks *really* really really really seriously work.

And way too many people are being idiots and not wearing them.

#COVID #masks #n95 #kf94

Last updated 2 years ago

VAWeisman · @vaweisman
585 followers · 9914 posts · Server masto.ai

What is your preferred type of to protect yourself and others from and where do you it from?

#mask #covid #source #covid19 #covidmasks #n95 #kn95 #kf94 #newyear2023

Last updated 2 years ago

@TheMemeticist I wish they wore better masks in the pictures. Given what they are saying, they should know better.

Editing to add the link to the article and to clarify - the video, not the header image, is where they should update their masks: cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/mask

#COVIDisAirborne #qualitymasks #kn95 #n95 #kf94

Last updated 2 years ago

Encourage everyone able to wear a mask to wear a quality well fitted mask, such as an , or (kid sizes available!).

The person who is sick is the most effective mask wearer, but your mask can help protect you from getting sick too.


#n95 #kn95 #kf94

Last updated 2 years ago

@luckytran Three years in, why is there no certification of children's masks in the US?

Why hasn't there been an educational campaign of how to choose and use the proper mask and when to wear it?

Why isn't there a push to make air quality standards?

We're missing so many opportunities to do this better. Ignoring the problem doesn't make it disappear.

#COVIDisAirborne #qualitymasks #n95 #kf94 #kn95 #maskappropriatelyfortheconditions

Last updated 2 years ago