RT @support_rider
#b2602 Sonntag | Vorstellung #Payday e.V.
* 19:00 | #KFETISCH
* Wildenbruchstraße 86, 12045 Neukölln
Wie können wir uns gegen #Lohnraub organisieren und wehren?
Was passiert, wenn unsere Bosse uns Teile unseres Lohns nicht zahlen?
Mehr Infos unter: http://payday-ev.de
#Lohnraub #kfetisch #payday #b2602
@noyovo systemli.org (systemli.social) I mentioned above. They host and support the orgas TKA and EAG. Both attacked without reflection the international queer pride berlin (iqpberlin.org). TKA also organised talks by Tina Sanders (one hosted at cafe #kfetisch) that play into headscarfe scare mania. In general these groups are the norm not the exception when it comes to German left collectives, at least any which have majority white-german direction for sure.