Serbien eröffnet Verfahren gegen kosovarische Polizisten
Serbien hat trotz Appellen der EU und der USA Verfahren gegen drei festgenommene kosovarische Polizisten eingeleitet. Die serbische Staatsanwaltschaft wirft ihnen illegalen Waffenbesitz vor.
#kososo #serbien #kfor #konflikt
#Kosova’daki Sırp protestocularla çatışmalarda 25 NATO askeri yaralandı.Kuzey Kosova’daki Sırp çoğunluklu bölgede gerçekleşen seçimlerin ardından Arnavut belediye başkanlarının göreve gelmesi nedeniyle çıkan çatışmalara #NATO #KFOR askerleri müdahale etti
Kosovo: Militante Serben greifen KFOR-Mitglieder an
Kosovo: Die Unruhen hatten sich hochgeschaukelt. Serben im Norden wollen die Hoheit der Regierung nicht anerkennen.
Pristina (dpa/KUNA/iz). Einen Tag nach den schweren Zusammenstößen zwischen militanten Serben und der Schutztruppe KFOR mit rund 80 Verletzten auf beiden Seiten haben sich am Dienstagmorg
#Europa #Politik #angriffe #KFOR #kosovo #Militante #Serben
#serben #militante #kosovo #kfor #angriffe #politik #europa
#Kosova'daki Sırp protestocularla çatışmalarda 25 NATO askeri yaralandı.Kuzey Kosova'daki Sırp çoğunluklu bölgede gerçekleşen seçimlerin ardından Arnavut belediye başkanlarının göreve gelmesi nedeniyle çıkan çatışmalara NATO #KFOR askerleri müdahale etti.
NATO-Soldaten gehen gegen Serben im Kosovo vor #MeldungenderrussischenMedien #Hintergrundanalysen #Kriegsgefahr #Serbien #Kosovo #KFOR #Nato #TASS
#tass #nato #kfor #kosovo #serbien #kriegsgefahr #hintergrundanalysen #meldungenderrussischenmedien
Serbian president orders army closer to Kosovo border as protests start in north #Kfor #KosovoSerbia #northKosovo #Pristina #Serbia
#kfor #kosovoserbia #northkosovo #pristina #serbia
Die #Bundeswehr soll sich nach einem Antrag der #Bundesregierung ein weiteres Jahr mit bis zu 400 Soldaten an dem #KFOR NATO-Einsatz im #Kosovo beteiligen. Zu den Aufgaben vor Ort gehöre unter anderem der Aufbau der Kosovo Security Force. #Bundestag⬇️
#bundeswehr #bundesregierung #kfor #Kosovo #bundestag
OK AG files motion seeking to stop Glossip execution #KFOR #Oklahoma #DeathPenalty #GentnerDrummond #RichardGlossip
#kfor #oklahoma #deathpenalty #gentnerdrummond #richardglossip
Two deaths; significant damage after storm rips through Cole #Oklahoma #ColeOklahoma #Tornado #KFOR #OKWX
#oklahoma #coleoklahoma #tornado #kfor #okwx
Shawnee suffers significant damage from tornado #Shawnee #Oklahoma #OkahomaBsptistUniversity #Tornado #OKWX #KFOR
#shawnee #oklahoma #okahomabsptistuniversity #tornado #okwx #kfor
Two escape tornado by taking cover in manhole #ColeOklahoma #Oklahoma #okwx #Tornado #KFOR
#coleoklahoma #oklahoma #okwx #tornado #kfor
Ahhh, the intelligence of #Oklahoma strikes again. Thank you #KFOR. Well done. #OklahomaCity #Wildfires #okwx
#oklahoma #kfor #oklahomacity #wildfires #okwx
Out-of-staters won't get this one, but weather forecasters are treated as minor deities in these parts. It is not a stretch to refer to this as a the birth of a princess, because in #Oklahoma it is.
But I must admit that I'm also a fan, so congratulations to #EmilySutton !
#oklahoma #emilysutton #weather #kfor #okc
#KFOR, the NATO-led international peacekeeping force in Kosovo, has rejected Serbia’s request to return Serbian security forces to the country’s north following rising tensions over the last month.
The request to send in 1,000 military and security forc…
Das sieht doch mal nach ner Besserung aus
#NATO's KFOR mission completed the removal of several heavy vehicles blocking roads in northern #Kosovo today. This engineering operation restored freedom of movement for the benefit of all communities in the region, in accordance with #KFOR's UN mandate.
#KFOR Mission is conducting engineer operations in northern #Kosovo to remove some vehicles blocked on the road and to restore freedom of movement in accordance with its #UN mandate.
All parties should avoid any rhetoric or actions that can cause further escalation. #KFOR is closely monitoring developments. We remain extremely vigilant and ready to intervene, if necessary, in line with our mandate based on the #UNSCR 1244 of 1999.