⚡️ Million dollars found in sofa‼️
This is yesterday's video (see thread) from the search of #AlexanderMironyuk. It was he who, until 2021, was engaged in procurement from the Ministry of Defense of #Ukraine. This official also appears in the body armor case.
He says that all the seized money was lent by 86-year-old resident of #Kharkov #EleonoraDuminsh.
⁉️ #SouthAfrican's will enjoy this 😅 who still has the video of the money that was found in a South African sofa!!?
#alexandermironyuk #ukraine #kharkov #eleonoraduminsh #southafrican
#Arestovich also believes that #Russia will throw the #mobilized to the #Donetsk, #Luhansk, partly #Kharkov and partly #Zaporozhye regions.
#arestovich #russia #mobilized #donetsk #luhansk #kharkov #zaporozhye
In een bos bij het dorp #Dovhenke in de #Kharkov hebben Oekraïense vrijwilligers de lichamen van zo'n twintig Russische militairen ontdekt.
Vrijwilliger Oleksi Joekov zegt dat het ondanks het Russische geweld van belang is om zorgvuldig met de gevonden lichamen om te gaan. "We hopen dat zij dat ook met de lichamen van Oekraïense militairen doen." Bovendien kunnen de stoffelijke resten worden uitgewisseld met de Russen en worden herbegraven in eigen land. #Nos
Han multat l'alcalde de l'alliberada Kharkov per parlar rus. Diu que la majoria dels locals són russoparlants i que es continuarà adreçant en l'idioma local als seus ciutadans.
Ukraine fines mayor of #Kharkov for speaking Russian on official channels
Kaiserslautern and everywhere..
#standwithukraine #ukraine #kiev #russia #odessa #kyiv #nowarinukraine #love #usa #lviv #ua #germany #instagram # #follow #natur #ukraineonline #ivanofrankivsk #ukraina_blog #украина #lviv #odessagram #kharkiv #ukrainegirl #insta #girl #nowar #kharkov #polen #kharkiv #peace #uk #prayforukraine
#StandWithUkraine #ukraine #kiev #russia #odessa #kyiv #nowarinukraine #love #usa #lviv #ua #germany #instagram #follow #natur #ukraineonline #IvanoFrankivsk #ukraina_blog #украина #odessagram #kharkiv #ukrainegirl #insta #girl #nowar #kharkov #polen #peace #uk #PrayForUkraine
A very forlorn looking German trooper tries to fight the cold as he mans his tripod mounted MG34 machine gun - Kharkov 1943
#worldwartwo #worldwar2 #ww2 #worldatwar #secondworldwar #conflict #history #worldwartwopictures #war #worldwar2pictures #historyofwar #historyofwarfare #kharkov #mg34 #easternfront #sovietunion #wehrmacht
#worldwartwo #worldwar2 #ww2 #worldatwar #secondworldwar #conflict #history #worldwartwopictures #war #worldwar2pictures #historyofwar #historyofwarfare #kharkov #mg34 #easternfront #sovietunion #wehrmacht