In #AZC Drachten is een Russische aasielzoeker al 11 dagen in #Hongerstaking
Sergei heeft zijn verhaal op @linkedin geplaatst: "In 9 days of hunger strike I have never been visited by a doctor, only by nurses. There has not even been an attempt to contact me by the IND. My glucose levels have been spiking daily from 2.3 to 3.6. Now my weight is 51 kg(- 8 kg) at a height of 169 cm. I am not depressed right now and I am not going to commit suicide. I have no such thoughts. I do not intend to stop the hunger strike until I fulfill the simplest two requirements: set a date for the second interview and a date for the final decision.
In my camp just a month ago, trans-girl #Khina Zakharova committed suicide. She chose one, I chose another path to justice. I hope the end of these stories will be different. It's very hard for me to write about it publicly, but the IND didn't leave me any other way."