I normally spend a couple of days in Bangkok, then weeks in Khon Kaen.
The new terminal in Khon Kaen, Thailand....
Only 25% of the new space utilised, and all 4 parking decks are already filled up with the emoyees cars. What Hi-So idiot planned this?
#travel #khonkaen #thailand #airports #khonkaenairport
Khon Kaen, Thailand: Bifren Delicious Pizza & Thai Food | Rating: 5 #pizza #khonkaen https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=16.4767203%2C102.8632446&query_place_id=ChIJec8jYOiLIjER2xRTb2mb28k
Would like to try them out, but I am afraid my weight class will play a role here.
#khonkaen #thailand #coffee #coffeeshop #amazoncoffee #amazoncoffeethailand
#khonkaen #thailand #coffee #coffeeshop #amazoncoffee #amazoncoffeethailand
Maybe not as fancy as Starbøkkkkkkkks (pissing off Hipster wannabes now?), but this coffee-shop chain seems to make it a bit more cozy around their outlets.
#khonkaen #thailand #coffee #coffeeshop #amazoncoffee #amazoncoffeethailand
#khonkaen #thailand #coffee #coffeeshop #amazoncoffee #amazoncoffeethailand