If #KIϟϟ is so great, why not INTERKOURϟE?
If The #MightyMightyBosstones are good, why not The Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Bosstones?
If #MinorThreat is good why not Major Menace?
If #ChildishGambino is good why not Mature Cosa Nostra?
If #TheSpecials are good why not The Exceptionals?
If #KOAndTheKnockouts are good why not TBI & the Traumatic Brain Injury?
If #YoLaTengo is good, why not Yo Tengo Todo?
If #JonathanRichman is good, why not Jonathan PostWealthSocietyEnby?
If #RebaMcEntire is too much, try Reba McPartial
If the #PsychedelicFurs are too much try Microdose Faux
If the #Beatles are too much, try the Gruabs
#kiϟϟ #mightymightybosstones #minorthreat #childishgambino #thespecials #YoLaTengo #jonathanrichman #rebamcentire #PsychedelicFurs #beatles #koandtheknockouts