‘The first startups’: Kibbutzim repurposed through embrace of new industries
Communities founded as models of socialist society have since largely shed collectivist past, with residents touting their ‘innovative approach’ to contemporary challenges
Möglichkeitsbewusstsein für:
#Kibbutz #Commons mit Grundeinkommen & Ehrenamt für alle, die an der solidarischen Basis der Gesellschaft am Kreislaufsystem der Verteilung von Überschuss #mitgestalten und kreativ sein wollen.
Sichere #Infrastruktur für die Selbstverwaltung dieser Commons kann z.B. vom #Computercommon gepflegt werden.
Der #Entspannungscommon bietet u.a. das Potenzial zur Entwicklung neuer Fähigkeiten. Arbeit an der Ethik steht dabei immer im Vordergrund.
#kibbutz #mitgestalten #infrastruktur #computercommon #commons #entspannungscommon
Engstirnige Statustrottel, die an materialistischen Neidzielen hängen, die auf Kernfamilie, Job & Haus aufbauen, sind halt die Meinungsgeber in Politik, Medien & großen Teilen der Bevölkerung.
Es liegt auch an der fehlenden #Bildung über alternative Lebensmodelle, dass die triste Umwelt nach Vorbildern abgegrast wird, die dann leider nur Bullshit verkörpern.
Eine Gesellschaft mit Grundeinkommen & #Kibbutz #Commons statt Jobagentur & Sanktionen könnte auf allen Ebenen für Integration sorgen.
RT @Jerusalem_Post@twitter.com
A Jackal attacked an Israeli woman in Kibbutz Shanir in Upper Galilee.
This is after two residents were bitten in the same kibbutz last week and a temporary closure of the area was imposed until the jackal was located and shot.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Jerusalem_Post/status/1613958432490680321
In 2022 I saw for myself two countries that I have thought about a lot, Israel and Cuba.
#EndTheEmbargoOnCuba #kibbutz #zionists #socialists
Más hashtags de temas que me interesan y de los que hablaré alguna vez por aquí…
#vampiros #cooperativismo #softwarelibre #Halo #DiscoElysium #Heartstopper #Obsidian #python #spielberg #queercinema #chinamieville #comics #superman #israel #japón #literaturarusa #sushi #kibbutz #cristaloscuro #pasolini #tarkovski #johnwaters #ozu #wongkarwai #sorolla #fantasticmrfox #agnesvarda #clairedenis #fassbinder #studioghibli #akira #boyslove
#oscarwilde #turing #streetfighter
#vampiros #cooperativismo #softwarelibre #halo #DiscoElysium #heartstopper #obsidian #python #spielberg #queercinema #chinamieville #comics #superman #israel #japon #literaturarusa #sushi #kibbutz #cristaloscuro #pasolini #tarkovski #johnwaters #ozu #wongkarwai #sorolla #fantasticmrfox #agnesvarda #clairedenis #fassbinder #studioghibli #akira #boyslove #oscarwilde #turing #streetfighter
I'm an #artist and #educator who loves #puns both lexical and visual
I care about #internationalcooperationtoaddressclimatechange and also #universalhealthcareforAmerica
I ride an #ebike to work when the #weather is nice
I play #canasta and go #dancing
I listen to #sadhippie #music like #clemsnide #fatherjohnmisty or #angelolsen and I dress #normcore but am slowly changing over to #miamigrandmotherchic
I hope one day to live on a #kibbutz
#kibbutz #miamigrandmotherchic #normcore #angelolsen #fatherjohnmisty #clemsnide #Music #sadhippie #dancing #canasta #Weather #ebike #sister #mother #universalhealthcareforamerica #internationalcooperationtoaddressclimatechange #puns #educator #Artist #Introduction
today we met with raches' women #cooperative and were kindly invited to help in tomorrow's #gardening. the pres of the coop thought it was very strange that regardless of my gf's work hrs she receives the same payment from the urban #kibbutz as every other member. my gf just said "yea we're kind of anarchic like that" 🥰
(tried to upload a photo of thendro with his baby watermelons and greek anarchist graffiti, which i couldn't read, but the connection's shit here...)
#kibbutz #gardening #cooperative
very soon, in a matter of months, there will be a film about the samar community coming out. this is incredibly exciting imho, because samar is a very unique kind of kibbuz located in the south of israel, next to eilat. while most kibbutzim have had some sort of system regarding the amount of work each member must do and the amount of resources they'll receive in return -...