Routed the antenna part of my drawing tablet prototype. Now I just need to finish the rest of the pcb.
I always go the extra mile for schematic symbol and footprint. #kicad #electronics #pcb
Thin Keyboard Fits in Steam Deck Case - Although some of the first Android-powered smartphones had them and Blackberries w... - #peripheralshacks #raspberrypipico #steamdeck #keyboard #kicad #case #thin #pcb #svg
#svg #pcb #thin #case #kicad #keyboard #steamdeck #raspberrypipico #peripheralshacks
Cool to see that Nexperia uses KiCad to design some of their evaluation boards. #electronics #kicad
Schematic Symbols shouldn't follow the physical pinout and instead be sorted by function to make easy to understand schematics. #electronics #kicad
Hackaday Prize 2023: Jumperless, The Jumperless Jumperboard - Jumperless is a jumperless breadboard with multicolored LED visualization of signa... - #solderlessbreadboard #2023hackadayprize #thehackadayprize #hackadaycolumns #raspberrypipico #jumperboard #toolhacks #ch446q #python #kicad #wokwi #led
#led #wokwi #kicad #python #ch446q #toolhacks #jumperboard #raspberrypipico #hackadaycolumns #thehackadayprize #2023hackadayprize #solderlessbreadboard
How to make an automatic sprinkler with ESP8266 controlled by Arduino Cloud
#arduinocloud, #atmosphericpressure, #atmosphericpressuresensor, #BH1750, #BMP180, #breadboard, #cloud, #datalogger, #DHT22, #Dupontcables, #esp8266, #humidity, #internetofthings, #iot, #KiCad, #library, #lightintensity, #lightintensitysensor, #platformio, #resistor, #scheduler, #sensor, #sensors, #temperature, #tutorial, #wifi
#arduinocloud #atmosphericpressure #atmosphericpressuresensor #bh1750 #BMP180 #breadboard #cloud #datalogger #dht22 #dupontcables #esp8266 #humidity #internetofthings #iot #kicad #library #lightintensity #lightintensitysensor #platformio #resistor #scheduler #sensor #sensors #temperature #tutorial #wifi
Come creare un sistema di irrigazione automatica con ESP8266 controllato da Arduino Cloud
#arduinocloud, #BH1750, #BMP180, #breadboard, #caviDupont, #cloud, #datalogger, #DHT22, #digitale, #elettronicadigitale, #esp8266, #intensitàdiluce, #internetdellecose, #iot, #KiCad, #libreria, #NodeMCU, #platformio, #pressioneatmosferica, #resistenza, #scheduler, #sensore, #sensorediintensitàdiluce, #sensoredipressioneatmosferica, #sensori, #temperatura, #tutorial, #umidità, #wifi
#arduinocloud #bh1750 #BMP180 #breadboard #cavidupont #cloud #datalogger #dht22 #digitale #elettronicadigitale #esp8266 #intensitadiluce #InternetdelleCose #iot #kicad #libreria #nodemcu #platformio #pressioneatmosferica #resistenza #scheduler #sensore #sensorediintensitadiluce #sensoredipressioneatmosferica #sensori #temperatura #tutorial #umidita #wifi
Where Did Your PCB Go Wrong? KiRI knows - When working on a PCB design in KiCad, it’s helpful that the files are all text an... - #softwarehacks #plotgitsch #pcbhacks #kicad
#kicad #pcbhacks #plotgitsch #softwarehacks
#KiCad people: how can I set up my board & net class constraints so I will get a DRC error if vias of different nets are <0.5mm apart, but vias of the same net only error if <0.254mm apart? I can't figure it out and wading through DRC errors because I have same-net vias less than 0.5mm apart is tedious and may make me miss an actual error. Attached is a screenshot of the pertinent part of JLCPCB's capabilities page as well as KiCad's board constraints page.
Designed my first PCB using #KiCad, it's for a plant watering system.
Although, I'll need to learn more about PCB design before actually making one - especially EMC, as I had issues with that on a stripboard version. I'll also need to select components, maybe it would make sense to use more 1206 SMD
8月15日にオープンソースのプリント基板CADソフト #KiCad ( ) は、新版 KiCad 7.0.7 を公開。Series 7 で5回目のバグ修正リリース。重要なバグ修正と軽微な改良を含む安定版。発表は に。ダウンロードは から。
#PCB #CAD #Release
Hackaday Prize 2023: Circuit Scout Lends a Hand (Or Two) for Troubleshooting - Troubleshooting a circuit is easy, right? All you need is a couple of hands to hol... - #2023hackadayprize #thehackadayprize #troubleshooting #pickandplace #toolhacks #testing #gantry #kicad #probe #cnc #pcb #pnp
#pnp #pcb #cnc #probe #kicad #gantry #testing #toolhacks #pickandplace #troubleshooting #thehackadayprize #2023hackadayprize
Ich bin über den Brotkastenfreunde Podcast auf das Projekt #WIC64 gestossen. Das ist ein Wifi-Modul für den #Commodore64. Das Board besteht im Kern aus ESP Modulen. Da sich ein weiterer #Kicad PCB Design Workshop gewünscht wurde, würde ich gerne im Rahmen des #MakerFriday ein WIC64 SMD-Board designen wollen, das wir dann in einem weiteren geplanten Projekt verwenden können.
#wic64 #commodore64 #kicad #makerfriday #hackerspacesaarbrucken
Easyeda2KiCad: Never Draw a Footprint Again - What if I told you that you might never need to draw a new footprint again? Such i... - #footprintcreation #pcbhacks #easyeda #jlcpcb #parts #kicad #lcsc
#lcsc #kicad #parts #jlcpcb #easyeda #pcbhacks #footprintcreation
It's a subtle move of the Reset button and power LED, but I'm much happier with it.
I also realised that I haven't added any decoupling or pull-ups for the I2C port, so that's not squeezed in on the left. Had to make the board slightly wider, but I think it's worth it.
I was going to add SPI, but I really don't need it at this stage, and it'd be too much of a faff to fit it in.
You know, I think we're done.
#pcb #retrocomputing #kicad #psion
Has anyone done any flex cable design in #KiCad?
I'm just thinking about a future project. I'd like to draw up a #Psion Series 3a/c/mx ribbon cable. I know places like PCBWay and JLCPCB will make them to order.
The second thing to go on a SIBO PDA is the ribbon cable (the first being, of course, the hinges). I think we need an open source one.
Last night I swapped out all the 0402 components for 0805s. Considering this is my first #PCB with SMD components, I thought I'd make my life easier if I have to hand-solder.
I'm now worried about spacing between components, again for soldering. There's enough room on the board for me to space things out.
Also, do I swap out that LED for a through-hole? I've got a bag of blue ones, so it would save me buying them for this version.
Also, might need more vias.
#kicad #retrocomputing #psion #pcb