Pascoe Sabido speaks as the @FossilFreeEU campaign handed over the petition with more than 100K signatures demanding to #kickpollutersout and #fossilfreepolitics.
#FossilFreePolitics #kickpollutersout
Handing over the petition with more than 100K signatures demanding to #kickpollutersout and #fossilfreepolitics.
We were joined by MEPs @marietouss1 @MChahim @leilachaibi @MiguelUrban 🤜🤛
#FossilFreePolitics #kickpollutersout
RT @corporateeurope: ✊We are a part of a campaign to #kickbigpollutersout of the negotiating tables & make sure climate justice movements are steering the ship
🤜🤛 It’s been endorsed by over 420 organisations and individuals, including @jeremycorbyn !
✍️ #kickpollutersout
#KickBigPollutersOut #kickpollutersout
There are 636 representatives of the fossil fuel industry at the climate negotiations in Egypt, much more than the indigenous leaders and the people most affected by the climate breakdown 😠
Most fossil fuel executives have a badge granted by a government which gives them access to negotiation space closed to civil society 🤯
#COP27 #KickPollutersOut #pollutersout #banprivatejets #privatejeta
#cop27 #kickpollutersout #pollutersout #banprivatejets #privatejeta
Re-watch our #COP27 press conference on our new report "Who is financing fossil fuel expansion in Africa?"
#DontGasAfrica #KickPollutersOut
#cop27 #dontgasafrica #kickpollutersout
There are 636 fossil fuel lobbyists at #COP27. Even more than Glasgow’s COP26. Have you considered to #KickPollutersOut?