Femboy loves cute paper crafts!
#Femboy #Art #Craft #Arts&Crafts #Triangle #Origami #Paper #Ball #Gay #eBoy #Cute #Fishnets #NeuroDivergent #Muscle #Bisexual #Twink #Breedable #Comfy #Autistic #LongHair #Anime #CrossDresser #LGBTQ #Athletic #Skirt #Blushing #Submissive #Sissy #Pride #Trap #Space #KickScooter #NonBinary #RoseBoy #Trans #Crocs #CropTop #eGirl #Kawaii #GenderQueer
#femboy #art #craft #arts #triangle #origami #paper #ball #gay #eboy #cute #fishnets #neurodivergent #muscle #bisexual #twink #breedable #comfy #autistic #longhair #anime #crossdresser #lgbtq #Athletic #skirt #blushing #submissive #sissy #pride #trap #space #kickscooter #nonbinary #roseboy #Trans #crocs #croptop #egirl #Kawaii #genderqueer
Femboy lifts kickscooter!
Warning: Very loud sounds!
#Femboy #CrossDresser #Twink #Cute #Athletic #LongHair #LGBTQ #Trans #Submissive #Breedable #Trap #Sissy #Pride #Muscle #Autistic #NeuroDivergent #Gay #Bisexual #Loud #Meme #Yell #Shitpost #Electric #KickScooter #Lifting #Strength #WeightLifting #Groan #TeeHee #Fitness #FemboyFitness #ThighHighs #ThickThighs #Skirt #Choker #Bell #Jingle #Masked #Smile #Blushing #Kawaii #Anime #Blankie #Bed #Tapestry #Transport #Transportation
#femboy #crossdresser #twink #cute #Athletic #longhair #lgbtq #Trans #submissive #breedable #trap #sissy #pride #muscle #autistic #neurodivergent #gay #bisexual #LOUD #meme #yell #shitpost #electric #kickscooter #lifting #strength #weightlifting #groan #teehee #fitness #femboyfitness #thighhighs #thickthighs #skirt #choker #bell #jingle #masked #smile #blushing #Kawaii #anime #blankie #bed #Tapestry #transport #transportation
B-b-boost if you wanna... <.< >.> uwu...
Haha what do you wanna do with me? X3
#Femboy #CrossDresser #Twink #Cute #Athletic #LongHair #LGBTQ #Trans #Submissive #Breedable #Trap #Sissy #Pride #Muscle #Autistic #NeuroDivergent #Meme #Shitpost #ThighHighs #Socks #Tapestry #Blankie #Kawaii #PaintedNails #Crocs #KickScooter #Hold #Hand
#femboy #crossdresser #twink #cute #Athletic #longhair #lgbtq #Trans #submissive #breedable #trap #sissy #pride #muscle #autistic #neurodivergent #meme #shitpost #thighhighs #socks #Tapestry #blankie #Kawaii #paintednails #crocs #kickscooter #HOLD #hand
А электросамокаты навсегда застряли в этом жанре тяжеленной хуйни, которая носится со скоростью выше адекватной?
У Micro Mobility раньше был прикольный вариант с ассистом, который требовал райдеру толкаться.
Но потом тема заглохла
Number 99 of 150
Another character with brightly colored hair. Tie-dye patterns are fun to draw.
Source: https://karenbjones.com/2023/07/09/number-99-of-150/
#action #artsample #asian #cartoon #child #childrensillustration #color #commission #digitalart #drawing #eastasian #girl #illustration #illustrator #isolatedonwhite #karenbjones #kickscooter #LearningAZ #motion
#action #artsample #asian #cartoon #child #childrensillustration #color #commission #digitalart #drawing #eastasian #girl #illustration #illustrator #isolatedonwhite #karenbjones #kickscooter #learningaz #motion
did i just bought foldable kick scooter that cant be folded? wtf
#nilsextreme #nils #kickscooter #plshelp #helpme #help #helprequest
#helprequest #help #helpme #plshelp #kickscooter #nils #nilsextreme
Kick scooters are so much better for the environment than cars (Even electric), and are also cheaper!
#Femboy #YogaPants #Cute #KickScooter #ElectricKickScooter #Environment #Fitness #Health #Car #Cheap #Frugal
#femboy #yogapants #cute #kickscooter #electrickickscooter #environment #fitness #health #car #cheap #frugal
#Parking at a #Swiss #Primsry school in a village of Basle Country full of #KickScooter
#parking #swiss #primsry #kickscooter
Nichts. Nirgends. Gargarnichts. 🤷🏻♂️ #Ninebot #KickScooter #NinebotMAXG2
#ninebotmaxg2 #kickscooter #ninebot
Nichts. Norgends. Gargarnichts. 🤷🏻♂️ #Ninebot #KickScooter #NinebotMAXG2
#ninebotmaxg2 #kickscooter #ninebot
Gibt es eigentlich schon irgendwo einen Liefertermin für den neuen #Segway #Ninebot #KickScooter MAX G2? Irgendwie außer der „Neu“ Ankündigung auf der Webseite nichts zu finden. 🤷🏻♂️ https://de-de.segway.com/products/ninebot-kickscooter-max-g2e-powered-by-segway
Seen today. 🛴👴🏼
Not to say that the mall officially allows it, but it's good this #SeniorCitizen even thought of using a #KickScooter there. Hopefully nobody working at the mall will tell him to stop riding it indoors. I'll understand if they ban kids zipping around the mall on wheels. But if they just use their brains instead of automatically going "You can't do that here," the world would be a lot more bearable to live in.
I think #KickScooters are great. 🤓👍 #ActiveMobility #PWDfriendly
#seniorcitizen #kickscooter #kickscooters #ActiveMobility #pwdfriendly
What is the distance you would/could #bike in a day and still be comfortable* at the end of your ride?
By comfortable, I mean you're not so exhausted that all you want to do is sleep -- you still have energy to do stuff or go sightseeing.
Includes #bicycles, #unicycles, #trikes, #recumbents, #KickScooter, #pedelecs a.k.a. #eBikes with #PedalAssist... anything that uses pure/some human* pedal power.
@bikes @mastobikes @fedibikes
#bike #bicycles #unicycles #trikes #recumbents #kickscooter #pedelecs #ebikes #PedalAssist
Člověk si v květnu zhmoždí pravé zápěstí na koloběžce (nějaký čas to pak byl život s ortézou), pocuchá záda a dnes se můžu zbláznit, jak moc mě to zápěstí bolí. Takže namazat Dolgitem a opět nasadit bandáž s výztuhou ☹️.
Listening to Radio 1 today and they've got me really interested in getting a kick scooter (Not electric powered).
Does anyone have one as an Adult? How do you find them? How do you use them? Would i look like an absolute twat on one?
#kickscooter #scooter #microscooter
Und ja, ich weiß dass es "rund um den Gardasee" mehr als 25 bis 30 Kilometer sind 😜
So, vielleicht noch ein paar Hastags, damit auch irgendjemand die Chance hat, mein Anliegen zu finden.
#escooter #scooter #empfehlung #kickscooter #ninebot #segway
Und natürlich #elonmusk, der ist eh an allem schuld.
#escooter #scooter #empfehlung #kickscooter #Ninebot #segway #elonmusk