What's this, another #PBtA game that I was a #KickstarterBacker on, the #ApocalypseKeys from #EvilHat Backerkit survey has arrived in my Inbox with the finished version of the PDF available to download today?
Ok, Evil Hat, you're right, I didn't need to do any actual work today. I need to read another #ttrpg book.
#ttrpg #evilhat #apocalypsekeys #kickstarterbacker #pbta
Seen in the wild, at a different 2nd & Charles from last week, @blackbirdsrpg@twitter.com powered by @ZweihanderRPG@twitter.com!
(There's also 2 copies of #FlamesOfFreedom)
I'll leave these here for someone else to discover, since I was a #KickstarterBacker of both.
#kickstarterbacker #flamesoffreedom
Super excited to receive my copy of Tome of Beasts 3 today from @koboldpress@twitter.com! #kickstarterbacker #dnd #dnd5e #ttrpg #tabletop #gaming https://instagr.am/p/ClHkZIwLQ3O/
#gaming #tabletop #ttrpg #dnd5e #dnd #kickstarterbacker