Cost-of-living and rents rising, together with the governments plans to slash housing benefits about to force especially families and low income households to move out of cities, especially Helsinki.
#naziJokeGovernment #rightWingPolitics #politics #naziJokeNCP #NCP #politicsFI #finland #kickThePoor #basicFinns #SPP #ChristianDemocrats #HeKA #costOfLiving #rents #helsinki
#nazijokegovernment #rightwingpolitics #politics #nazijokencp #ncp #politicsfi #finland #kickthepoor #basicfinns #spp #christiandemocrats #heka #costofliving #rents #helsinki
Cost-of-living and rents rising, together with the governments plans to slash housing benefits about to force especially families and low income households to move out of cities, especially Helsinki. #naziJokeGovernment #rightWingPolitics #politics #naziJokeNCP #NCP #politicsFI #finland #kickThePoor #basicFinns #SPP #ChristianDemocrats #costOfLiving #rents #helsinki
#nazijokegovernment #rightwingpolitics #politics #nazijokencp #ncp #politicsfi #finland #kickthepoor #basicfinns #spp #christiandemocrats #costofliving #rents #helsinki