@casseagull Same. Between using a Diva cup and/or reusable pads (I *have* had to switch back to tampon use for one or two cycle days since and , though), I've saved SOOOO much money.

The environmental benefit and personal health benefits are wonderful secondary bonuses!

#kid5 #kid6

Last updated 1 year ago

Was reminded this afternoon of another pair of boots I wore before (and and ) were born. Obviously, they no longer fit me and I hope I can find a new (to me) larger pair some time.

I went digging for a photo to show someone, though, and could only find this one. was well-known (and still is) to be able to sleep anywhere -- literally drop and sleep. This was out for dinner at a pub for a friend's birthday celebration -- she needed a snooze, and crawled under my chair. 😂

#kid4 #kid5 #kid6 #kid3 #kidsarefunny #naptime #mizmooz

Last updated 2 years ago