✨ It's crazy to think I ever imagined I could ever leave Caleb and Jacob's story at one book. Even before the first one was out, I was already working on Returning Home.
https://my book.to/HomesteadonAmazon
#AlexJane #MMRomance #GayRomance #HistoricalRomance #Werewolves #RomanceSeries #sequel #KidFic
#kidfic #sequel #romanceseries #werewolves #historicalromance #gayromance #mmromance #alexjane
This Time Around
✍️ fic by #KouriArashi
⏳ #TheUntamed
⏳ #NieHuaisang, #MengYao, #WeiWuxian
⏳ 83k, rated Teen
⏳ After NMJ's death, NHS travels back in time to kill small Meng Yao
⏳ It's not so easy
⏳ Oops accidental adoption
⏳ Badass NHS & his boys change the world
:ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36885619/chapters/92024302
#DecRecs #FicRec #MDZSFicRec #TimeTravel #FixIt #KidFic #MoralAmbiguity
#kouriarashi #theuntamed #NieHuaisang #mengyao #weiwuxian #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #timetravel #fixit #kidfic #moralambiguity