Ice Cream #BikeBus!!! SE 55th and Hawthorne at 5:45 Monday! A loop to 50 Licks!
#PedalpaloozaPDX #KidicalMassPDX #pdxBikes #Portland #BikeFun
#BikeBus #PedalpaloozaPDX #kidicalmasspdx #pdxbikes #portland #bikefun
And a tallbike clown ride with Olive & Dingo from Westmoreland Park at 4:30
(hey #KidicalMassPDX families lookuphere! 🤡 ) big #pdxBikes #PedalpaloozaPDX day!
#kidicalmasspdx #pdxbikes #PedalpaloozaPDX
1pm #KidicalMassPDX - Northeast Kids Ride and Movie Musical Sing-A-Long
Alberta Park playground, near Jarrett Street. Ride to Fernhill Park. 3 mile loop
#PedalpaloozaPDX #cargoBikes #KidsOnBikes #BikeBus
#kidicalmasspdx #PedalpaloozaPDX #cargobikes #kidsonbikes #BikeBus
Follow the #KidicalMassPDX hashtag to stay tuned for more rides and also LMK if you're into doing the facebook group, emails, website, flyers, whatevers. Also some #BikeBus organizing coming at the SE KMpdx ride in August, with @bikeloudpdx. #pdxBikes
#kidicalmasspdx #BikeBus #pdxbikes
Kidical Mass PDX - SE Portland Kids' Ride
10am Sat at Westmoreland Park Nature Playground loop to Sellwood Park and back
Biggest 4th of July Kids Bike Parade
Alameda & 59th, meet at 9:45 for 10am start!
by Rose City Park Neighborhood
#PedalPalooza #KidicalMassPDX #pdxBikes
#pedalpalooza #kidicalmasspdx #pdxbikes
The Street Trust tabling Sunday (6/25) 11-4 at Sunday Parkways at Wellington Park, with a free #BikeCamping Clinic at 12 & 2
Also catch @bikeloudpdx Disney Hits ride of the Parkways loop from 52nd & Alberta at 11:30 and party on Going after. #Portland #pdxBikes #KidicalMassPDX #SundayParkways
#bikecamping #portland #pdxbikes #kidicalmasspdx #sundayparkways
Awesome work organizing by @ShawneMartinez! More #KidicalMassPDX rides scheduled July 1st SE & 29th NE, kid-friendly rides spotted: Jul 8th, 15th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, and Creston Park every Monday.
Southwest #Portland family #pdxBikes ride #KidicalMassPDX 12:30 from Spring Garden Park to Multnomah NA block party and Canby St intersection painting! (RSVP to paint, block party all day, 6pm potluck etc)
#portland #pdxbikes #kidicalmasspdx