"PM2.5 Has a Nefarious Impact on the Kidneys"
Read more: https://blog.rapusia.org/health/2337/pm25-has-a-nefarious-impact-on-the-kidneys/
#airpollution #healtheffects #pm25 #kidneyhealth
Here are some #herbs that help maintain #kidneyfunction #KidneyHealth #FoodIsMedicine
#herbs #kidneyfunction #kidneyhealth #foodismedicine
Here are some #herbs that help maintain #kidneyfunction #KidneyHealth #FoodIsMedicine
#herbs #kidneyfunction #kidneyhealth #foodismedicine
Here are some #herbs that help maintain #kidneyfunction #KidneyHealth #FoodIsMedicine
#herbs #kidneyfunction #kidneyhealth #foodismedicine
Take an oath to stay hydrated and make healthier food choices to ensure proper maintenance of your kidneys. Stay healthy and be safe on this World Kidney Day.
Happy World Kidney Day to everyone.
#WorldKidneyDay #kidenyday #kidney #kidneyhealth
#worldkidneyday #kidenyday #kidney #kidneyhealth #aquaneeta
Can #omega3s from #seafood protect against #kidneydisease?
#kidneyhealth #kidneydisease #seafood #omega3s
Any other #KidneyStoners around here?
Feel free to complain at me about it! I've *literally* felt your pain!
I'll go first:
I usually have a #KidneyStone drop every decade or so. Worst. Pain. Ever.
That #kidney gets "twitchy" about once per month. Worst. PMS. Ever.
#kidneystoners #kidneystone #kidney #joinin #reblog #kidneyhealth
It's taken me a while to figure out how to write an #Introduction. Here goes:
Iโd appreciate a boost to help meet like-minded here.
Iโm a professor of medicine at McMaster University #MacDeptMed, #McMasterU
Clinically, I work as a #KidneyDoctor (#Nephrology)
Iโm an associate member of #HEI (#Epidemiology) at #McMasterU
Iโm a member of the Centre of Excellence in Protective Equipment and Materials (#PPE, #N95, #CEPEM) at #McMasterU
My #ClinicalResearch is in #KidneyDisease #KidneyEpi (#CKD, #Potassium, #CKDProgression) and #Masks
Iโm editor-in-chief of #CJKHD (@CanJKHD on the birdsite, not here yet) an #OpenAccess kidney journal with #PublishingPolicy:
#SupportiveReview (#Kindness, #KidneyKindness) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/20543581221080327
#PortableReview (was your hard work rejected by a journal with IF>=4? Submit clean, redline, point-by-point response-to-reviews, and tell us which journal and undertake that you responded to all reviews received)
Iโm editor-in-chief of https://maskevidence.org/ which curates evidence on #BetterMasks and #MasksWork
For the pandemic, we need #SystemsApproaches because #CovidIsAirborne and #CovidIsNotOver. #DoAllTheThings #ventilation #filtration #PaidSickDays #BringBackMasks #WearAMask #MasksSaveLives #MaskeAuf #MaskUp #MaskMandate #MaskMandateNow #CovidLong #LongCovid
Iโd like to see #KidneyVerse as the tag to find others with interest in #KidneyHealth and #KidneyDisease. #AskKidney #AskRenal
Also trying to be #LGBTQ #LGBTQ2 ally, working on #EDI #equity #diversity #inclusion, interested in #SocialJustice #UrbanPlanning.
Treaty 3|Dish with One Spoon, Turtle Island; Hamilton ON Canada. She/her
#MacDeptMed #KidneyDoctor #Nephrology #HEI #epidemiology #ppe #n95 #CEPEM #clinicalresearch #KidneyEpi #potassium #CKDProgression #KidneyKindness #PortableReview #CovidIsNotOver #DoAllTheThings #ventilation #BringBackMasks #WearAMask #MasksSaveLives #MaskUp #maskmandate #CovidLong #LongCovid #AskKidney #AskRenal #edi #introduction #mcmasteru #kidneydisease #Ckd #masks #CJKHD #openaccess #PublishingPolicy #SupportiveReview #kindness #BetterMasks #MasksWork #SystemsApproaches #COVIDisAirborne #filtration #paidsickdays #lgbtq #diversity #socialjustice #MaskeAuf #maskmandatenow #KidneyVerse #kidneyhealth #lgbtq2 #equity #inclusion #urbanplanning
RT @EKHA_EU: #DYK? Current #CKD treatments pose a heavy burden for patients & society!
On EKHA 15th Anniversary, MEP @hildevautmans explains why investment in #KidneyHealth is so important.
๐Thank you @hildevautmans for your support!
๐ฆ๐: https://nitter.eu/BuschmannMartin/status/1576519605983408128
#DYK #CKD #kidneyhealth #EKHA15
RT @EKHA_EU: Yesterday we celebrated EKHA's 1โฃ5โฃth Anniversary!๐
@RVanholder awarded MEP @hildevautmans for her ongoing support & for championing #kidneyhealth in the @europarl_en ๐ช๐บ
Kidney health must become an #EU health priority in the next 10 years!
๐ฆ๐: https://nitter.eu/hildevautmans/status/1537383249408065536
#kidneyhealth #EU #DecadeOfTheKidney
Stonebreaker Health Benefits
#stonebreaker #kidneyhealth #liverhealth #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #wellness #goodfood #smartchoice #organic #naturalremedies #healthbenefits #healthyeating
#healthyeating #healthbenefits #naturalremedies #organic #smartchoice #goodfood #wellness #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #liverhealth #kidneyhealth #stonebreaker
Stonebreaker Health Benefits
#stonebreaker #kidneyhealth #liverhealth #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #wellness #goodfood #smartchoice #organic #naturalremedies #healthbenefits #healthyeating
#healthyeating #healthbenefits #naturalremedies #organic #smartchoice #goodfood #wellness #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #liverhealth #kidneyhealth #stonebreaker