More #KidsDnD as they face off against a fire giant and her troll minions over adamantine scrap. #StormKingsThunder #Dnd
#kidsdnd #StormKingsThunder #DnD
Kids D&D found their way out of the bottled sea! I love this hex and screen system from Games omnivorous.
This is the second time I’ve taken a group through it and it’s been so different. It’s a system that has lots of randomness and improvisation built in. Plus it looks absolutely amazing.
Kids D&D this morning. Under the sea with my Moonbeam dice. Bad combo? Possibly but the players are resourceful.
Did you know you can train a D20 to roll well by leaving it with the 20 face up overnight?
We’ll that’s because it’s nonsense. But it was the talk of #KidsDnD today.
I’m thinking of quitting as Kids DM. I’ve been doing this session once a week for almost a year and I still can’t make them believe in probability 😂
One of the young people turned up for Kids D&D yesterday asking if they were going to get their sword back.
I had to say no. Which upset them a little bit.
But they did throw it at a Kindori. That’s basically a giant space whale. And if you roll to miss… that’s just going to be thrown into space
One of the kids at #KidsDnD failed their death rolls today.
Moment of silence please.
I allowed the spirit of their old character to come back though. In the body of a short human bard. Which has been quite a shock for their regal Astral Elf soul.
Last week I asked #KidsDnD what adventure they wanted to move onto and after all of their suggestions involved floating cities, floating castles, floating towns and other floating settlements we went with Spelljammer.
Today I arrive with my Spelljammer kit and they see Animal Adventures on the shelf. Now I’m painting animal miniatures. Thought they also still want to play Spelljammer. And a pet Pegasus Dog. Who knows what future Kids D&D sessions will look like
#kidsdnd #dnd #AnimalAdventures
Some DM’s are way too into the idea of The Monkey’s Paw.
Yeah sure be careful what you wish for but if someone is asking how their level one character gets spells maybe tell them how the game mechanics work (or tell them how to find that info) rather that reach for an ironic punishment.
Yesterday I sat next to one of the young people at Kids D&D as he DMed for the first time and he was great!
He ran Salted Legacy from Journeys Through The Radiant Citadel, which is such a fun story too.
Did we somehow end kids D&D with one of the characters possessed by an old pirate captain? Yes. And her real life brother really enjoyed beating it out of her… in the game… hopefully
I’ve finished painting the barrels! We’re using them at kids D&D to help visualise what rations we have so while I think they where intended to be treasure I went for more foody colours. Grains, salt crystals and even some greens. Couldn’t really do anything about he skeletons though.
#miniaturepainting #dnd #kidsdnd
Christmas episode of Kids D&D: the party was sent into the citadel to find a component spell component that only grew there.
Spoiler: it was a Christmas tree. And somehow they weren’t expecting that.
Half caused an over dramatic distraction while the others found a dragon who wanted them to sing jingle bells in exchange for the tree.
To be honest I had a battle planned but we ran out of time so I let them get away with the song instead.
Where did the Undying Sands go? Kids D&D found a sacred alter last week and split some blood on it opening a portal to another realm. So I whisked them away to The Bottled Sea, the other screen and hex systems from Games Omnivorous
This one is a little more involved and has a cool fishing mechanic where they drop D6 on to the poster and reel up whatever it lands on. Even if it’s one of the other adventurers on deck.
#undyingSands #bottledsea #dnd #kidsdnd
I’m painting these little barrels for Kids D&D. We’re using them to mark the provisions we have left as we cross the Undying Sands. I don’t think they intended this when they designed them but I painted the contents of one green to represent how the kids have to eat their vegetables. #miniatures #MiniaturePainting #DnD #KidsDnD
#miniatures #miniaturepainting #dnd #kidsdnd
We finally made it to Braal. I finally broke down and let the kid who wanted to buy real estate establish a house which lead to a shopping trip so #KidsDnD got really domestic today
The artificer built himself a workshop. Spending more time describing the wall paper than his tools
#DnD #dnd5e
Just been told that at the shop where I DM for kids they’ve based an NPC on me called the Mother of Kolbolds
#DnD #KidsDnD #ShouldIBeOffended
#dnd #kidsdnd #shouldibeoffended
We’ve uncovered more of the Undying Sands today in Kid’s D&D. Exploring pyramids and avoiding the mechanical hydra.
#dnd #kidsdnd #undyingSands #dnd5e
We started Light of Xaryxis yesterday (chosen by the kids) and while I have some issues I love that it’s episodic with each chapter ending on a cliffhanger.
I try to structure the narrative that way if I can. Especially if I can start on a battle. It’s the kids D&D version of getting your wiggles out.
#dnd #dnd5e #spelljammer #kidsdnd
#dnd #dnd5e #spelljammer #kidsdnd