This is a small post about the language we use maybe without thinking.
I often hear people describe their cancer as a fight or a battle. We lost a child to cancer. The problem with use of words such as fight and battle is that is seems to imply that those who die somehow didn't fight hard enough.

#kidsgetcancertoo #childhoodcancer #cancer

Last updated 1 year ago

15th February is the official day that childhood cancer is recognised. Childhood cancer affects many families each day of every year.
Childhood cancer needs more awareness. 🎗️

#childhoodcancer #kidsgetcancertoo

Last updated 1 year ago

Jay Mitlo · @JayMitlo
12 followers · 18 posts · Server

6 years. For my other kids there was life with Trey, and life after. They continue to amaze me at how they deal and heal. For my wife and I, part of us passed on that day, you can't deny or avoid that. However, we live on and do so strongly.
I'm so proud of the strength of my wife, the wisdom of my children, the presence of my family, and the strength of my friends.

#cancerstillsucks #kidsgetcancertoo #shutupandlovesomeone

Last updated 4 years ago