All profits from sales of the #KidsOnBrooms rulebook on DriveThruRPG today are being donated to charities supporting trans folks. #Dimension20 fans may recognize this as the system used for #MisfitsAndMagic.
#kidsonbrooms #dimension20 #MisfitsAndMagic
@morloi Se permetti, mi azzardo io a ricostruire l’“errore”. Need Games ha pubblicizzato i tre giochi come “Powered by Kids on Bikes” e li vendeva anche in un bundle chiamato “Powered Trio Bundle”. Il paragone con i “Powered by the Apocalypse” mi sembra palese e credo che il fraintendimento possa essere nato dal fatto che abbiano “copiato” quell’etichetta commerciale.
#KidsonBikes #KidsonBrooms #TeensinSpace #PbtA #PoweredbytheApocalypse
#kidsonbikes #kidsonbrooms #teensinspace #pbta #poweredbytheapocalypse
Oooh! A trend!
The last 5 #TTRPG I GMed:
#DnD 5E (Strahd, Witchlight, Saltmarsh)
#Pathfinder (homebrew)
Last 5 played:
#DnD (homebrew)
All time favorite game to run or play (which hasn't made it to this list in far too long): #10Candles
#ttrpg #DnD #pathfinder #kidsonbrooms #startrekadventures #jiangshi #quietyear #l5r #aliceismissing #microscope #10candles