Learn countries with Chris and Mom | Kids adventures ##niki #chris #EducationalVideo #family #fun #K-popBoys #K-popIdols #kids #KidsPlaying #KidsStories #KidsToys #learn #LearnCountries #LearnForKids #toys #VideoForKids #vlad #VladAndNiki #ニキ(NI-KI)
#niki #chris #educationalvideo #family #fun #k #kids #kidsplaying #kidsstories #kidstoys #learn #learncountries #learnforkids #toys #videoforkids #vlad #vladandniki #ニキ
Fairy Tales
Sara's World is creating videos for kids - In a world of kids where toys, games and dolls are the most important thing, Sara will play, visit amusement parks with her family and play with the best toys.
#sarasworld #sara #saraworld #toyskids #saraanddad #videoforkids #pretendplay #kidstoys #kidplayforchildren #cartoon #storiesforkids #adventurestories #kidsstories #fairytales
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#sarasworld #sara #saraworld #toyskids #saraanddad #videoforkids #pretendplay #kidstoys #kidplayforchildren #cartoon #storiesforkids #adventurestories #kidsstories #fairytales
And as I mentioned, I love to write children’s silly poems. My books are full of them every few pages. He is a small example of the sort of crazy children’s poetry I like to write. #kidsstories #poems #spookystuff
#kidsstories #poems #SpookyStuff