Ich habe an der Uni noch gelernt, dass (und warum) man Facebook nicht trauen kann.
Am ersten Tag der Erstie-Woche würde uns vorgeführt, wie leicht man anhand von scheinbar anonymen Meta-Daten Menschen identifizieren kann (2-4 Fragen über Herkunftsbundesland, Anzahl der Geschwister, u.Ä.).
Im ersten Semester ein Seminar über Datensammeltechniken verschiedener großer Konzerne.
Was lernen die Studenten von heute eigentlich and er Uni?!?
@waldoj absolutely. I bought the book anthology of the Monty Python episode scripts: it was the only way to “see” the episodes anytime! #KidsToday
It's not a bad thing that people no longer do this, but I feel like kids today don't get the reference when I call someone a "flaming bag of dog shit on the doorstep of life."
#kidstoday #aproposofnothinginparticular
@matt the current batch of designers at do not share my priorities. #grumble #kidsToday
#KidsToday don’t know what they’re missing #Tapes #80s
via Alltheway80s from Twitter
The 17 yr old went to the mall this afternoon with her friends to do some prom shopping.... Which feels so 1990s preCovid and bizarre. She's expressed a desire for "tasteful glitter" in her dress this year on which I wished her luck. Oh, unless she could find a dress made of those "reversible" sequins and then she'd go all in on being tacky AF to be able to fidget with it all night. This left me imagining her going to the beanie boo stand at a toy store, gathering up all the glittery ones and making a dress of their pelts. I shared this vision and she responded "oooh yeah! but do I leave their eyes attached?" Yep. My kid, folks. Skinning beanie boos and dressing in their hides like some glittery evil Amazon muppet queen. #kidsToday #beaniebabyMurder
@The_Whore_of_Blahbylon I'm going to sit out the "Big Vagina Energy" discussion that's inbound.
No good can cum from this...
#sexythings #weirdspiritualityiguess #kidstoday
I’m trying to explain “wheezing the juice” to my dog and she just isn’t getting it. 🙄 #KidsToday
#KidsToday need to know what it was like back then. #Retro #retrotv #projectUFO #classictv #nostalgia
#kidstoday #retro #retrotv #projectufo #classictv #nostalgia
All fax🖨️ no printer🖨️: this “Gen Z” version of “Harry Potter” hits🔨 different👻.
#HarryPotter #GenZ #Zoomer #Slang #KidsToday
#slang #kidstoday #harrypotter #genz #zoomer
Winter 2019- my daughter always came out to help shovel-just as I would finish. So-this is what she came out to. She moved out that Summer. ( and yes- I still had to clean up after. ) #winter #shoveling #kidstoday
“When you think there weren’t crimes
In earlier times,
That’s “O, Mores!”
#OTemporaOMores #HistoricalArt #PoliticalCartoon #ThenAndNow #KidsToday
#otemporaomores #historicalart #politicalcartoon #thenandnow #kidstoday
+) The median house cost $24K.
(Now it's $408K.)
+) The top tax rate was 70%.
(Now it's 37%.)
+) Most jobs offered full benefits and pension.
(Now almost none do.)
+) College costed 20.4% of the median salary.
(Now it's 50%.)
+) 246 minimum wage hours paid tuition.
(Now it's 1,457 hours.)
+) Most jobs didn't need a degree.
(Now most do.)
Moral: Before you talk about "bootstraps", check your privilege.
#bootstraps #kidstoday #millenials #boomer
Kids today…! I’m trying to get my daughter (8yr) to come out into the garden to play and muck around (going for a walk was a forlorn hope). She wants to stay inside and do her homework! #kidstoday #autumn #homework
Kids today…! I’m trying to get my daughter (8yr) to come out into the garden to play and muck around (going for a walk was a forlorn hope). She wants to stay inside and do her homework! #kidstoday #autumn #homework
@dick_turpin a wonderful question https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/8lniaw/what_exactly_is_digg_and_what_happened_to_it/