We are excited to share thoughts about the Transmission of Knowledge in Verse from Antiquity to Early Modern Times by exploring the epistemic status of poems, focusing on the knowledge conveyed about the past through poetic descriptions. #KielUni #Poetry #History @histodons @archaeodons
Wie und wo lebten steinzeitliche Gesellschaften in #SchleswigHolstein? Wie beeinflusste ihre Kultur die Landschaft? Welche anderen Einflüsse spielten eine Rolle? Funde ca. 5500 Jahre alter Steinmonumente und Grabenwerke geben Aufschluss darüber. Prof. Dr. Johannes Müller vom Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der #KielUni bringt dich auf den neuesten Stand und beantwortet deine Fragen. Heute um 17 Uhr im Nortex-Bistro in #Neumünster
#Steinzeit #archaologie #neumunster #kieluni #schleswigholstein
(DE) Im Rahmen des internationalen INHILLDAUGAR-Projektes erforschen einen Burgwall am Daugava-Oberlauf in Lettland. Forschungsgegenstand sind Befestigung, Siedlungsspuren und Landschaftsgeschichte.
(EN) Within the international INHILLDAUGAR project, we are investigating a rampart in Lielindrica, LV. Since the object hasn’t been researched yet, we are expecting news on fortifications, settlement and landscape history. #KielUni #archaeology #ZBSA https://zbsa.eu/dfg-projekt-inhilldaugar/ @histodons @archaeodons
How are nature and human-made monuments in #Neolithic #Iberia connected? Next Monday, #JMAChair Leonardo García Sanjuán from the #University of #Seville will be giving a #publiclecture at #KielUni on this topic using the example of Antequera in southern Spain. More info: https://www.cluster-roots.uni-kiel.de/en/calendar-events/biweekly-colloquia/nature-environment-and-monumentality-in-neolithic-iberia-the-case-of-antequera-leonardo-garcia-sanjuan-university-of-sevilla #Archaeology #LandscapeArchaeology #monumentality
#monumentality #LandscapeArchaeology #archaeology #kieluni #publiclecture #seville #university #jmachair #iberia #neolithic
We welcome the Spanish archaeologist Leonardo García Sanjuán from the #University of #Seville as new Chair of the #JohannaMestorfAcademy to #KielUni. During #KielScales23 he already held a keynote on "Environment, Aggregation and Monumentality in Early Complex Societies: The Case of #Valencina". A public JMA Chair lecture with Leonardo García Sanjuán will be announced separately. Read more: https://www.cluster-roots.uni-kiel.de/en/news/we-welcome-leonardo-garcia-sanjuan-as-new-jma-chair
#valencina #kielscales23 #kieluni #JohannaMestorfAcademy #seville #university
One conference (#KielScales23) is just finished, the next one is already coming up. Next week at #KielUni: "#Urban #KnowledgeTransfer in Serial Sources. Administration, Routines and Society in Europe's Late Medieval Towns". Registration is open until 25 March.
More info: https://www.cluster-roots.uni-kiel.de/en/calendar-events/conferences-workshops/knowledge-transfer-in-serial-sources-administration-routines-and-society-in-europes-late-medieval-towns #LateMiddleAges #History @histodons @stadtwirtschaft
#history #latemiddleages #KnowledgeTransfer #urban #kieluni #kielscales23
It’s time to say goodbye after Kiel Conference #KielScales23 at #KielUni for everyone who does't join our excursions tomorrow. We're going home with a load full of new knowledge, fresh Input, and maybe some research questions, to be solved in the future. See you next time!
#archaeology #history #palaeoecology #pastsocieties #transformations
#transformations #pastsocieties #palaeoecology #history #archaeology #kieluni #kielscales23
Good morning, dear participants of #KielScales23. The 2nd day of the conference is about to start with many fascinating sessions, e.g. one on #socioenvironmental ROOTS of crops, weeds and #invasivespecies (in cooperation with the #KielPlantCenter of #KielUni). Today's full programme: https://events.kielconference23.smart-abstract.com/#/grid/2023-03-14
#kieluni #kielplantcenter #invasivespecies #socioenvironmental #kielscales23
Welcome to the Kiel #Conference 2023 #KielScales23! In one hour, the opening event will begin. #archaeology #history #pastsocieties #palaeoecology #SFB1266 #kieluni
#kieluni #sfb1266 #palaeoecology #pastsocieties #history #archaeology #kielscales23 #conference
Already on your way to the Kiel Conference #KielScales23? If you are still looking for Leibnizstraße 1, you can find maps and directions at #kieluni here: https://www.uni-kiel.de/en/university/building-sites-campus-development/maps-directions. The registration desk is on the 1st floor. See you soon! #Archaeology #History #pastsocieties #palaeoecology #UniKiel #sfb1266 #JohannaMestorfAcademy
#JohannaMestorfAcademy #sfb1266 #UniKiel #palaeoecology #pastsocieties #history #archaeology #kieluni #kielscales23
Preparations for the Kiel Conference #KielScales23 are in full swing. The conference bags are already packed. Are you curious what is inside? 😉 #SFB1266 #archaeology #history #pastsocieties #palaeecology #kieluni
#kieluni #palaeecology #pastsocieties #history #archaeology #sfb1266 #kielscales23
Only five days left until the start of Kiel Conference 2023 #KielScales23. We are already looking forward to inspiring discussions—and to seeing you all 👋 #SFB1266
#archaeology #history #pastsocieties #palaeoecology #geosciences #KielUni #UniKiel @histodons @archaeodons
#UniKiel #kieluni #geosciences #palaeoecology #pastsocieties #history #archaeology #sfb1266 #kielscales23
Join us for stimulating presentations and discussions on scales of social, environmental and cultural change in #pastsocieties at the #KielScales23 #conference (13-18 March). Registration is open until 28 February:
kielconference.uni-kiel.de/registration/ We look forward to meeting you there! #Archaeology #History #SocioEnvironmental #UniKiel #KielUni #SFB1266 #SECC @archaeodons @histodons
#secc #sfb1266 #kieluni #UniKiel #socioenvironmental #history #archaeology #conference #kielscales23 #pastsocieties
Tomorrow, a workshop will start at #KielUni dealing with the role of #amber from #StoneAge to #IronAge. The focus is on social aspects and the people who had access to amber. Those interested can also participate online. All info: https://www.cluster-roots.uni-kiel.de/en/calendar-events/conferences-workshops/amber-a-connector-of-knowledge-and-societies #Prehistory @archaeodons
#prehistory #ironage #stoneage #amber #kieluni
How were #urbandesign strategies implemented in ancient cities to create certain atmospheric effects? #ClusterRoots member Annette Haug and her team from the Institute of Classical #Archaeology at #KielUni investigated this question using the example of Pompeii. They now present their results in the new book "Öffentliche Räume in Pompeji" (Public Spaces in #Pompeii), which is freely available online. More information: https://www.cluster-roots.uni-kiel.de/en/publications/other-publications-by-roots-member/urban-design-in-pompeii-first-comprehensive-study-on-the-atmosphere-of-an-ancient-city-has-been-published #urbanism #openaccess @ERC_Research
#openaccess #urbanism #pompeii #kieluni #archaeology #ClusterROOTS #urbandesign
Take a look now: the detailed programme of the "Kiel Conference 2023: Scales of Social, Environmental and Cultural Change in #PastSocieties" #KielScales23 at #KielUni is online: https://www.kielconference.uni-kiel.de/programme/detailed-programme/ Registration is open: kielconference.uni-kiel.de/registration/ Spread the word! @histodons @archaeodons #archaeology #history
#history #archaeology #kieluni #kielscales23 #pastsocieties
We congratulate ROOTS member Eva Stukenbrock on an ERC Consolidator Grant! The European Research Council announced funding for the new research project this week. Stukenbrock and her research team at the Botanical Institute of #KielUni and the @maxplanckgesellschaft Institute for Evolutionary Biology Plön will be able to investigate how the plant microbiome is impacted by fungal pathogens at the molecular level: https://www.cluster-roots.uni-kiel.de/en/news/erc-grant-for-roots-member-eva-stukenbrock #Plantscience #ERCGrant
#ercgrant #plantscience #kieluni
#Reminder: Don't miss the #publiclecture with Gary Feinman, MacArthur Curator of Mesoamerican, Central American, and East Asian Anthropology at the #FieldMuseum of Natural History, Chicago, at #KielUni on Monday, 6 Feb. He will present new concepts and ideas on #premodern #governance and #inequality. More information on his talk "How History Matters": https://www.cluster-roots.uni-kiel.de/en/calendar-events/various/public-lecture-series-by-jma-chair-gary-feinman #archaeology
#archaeology #inequality #governance #premodern #kieluni #Fieldmuseum #publiclecture #reminder
SymbNET wishes you a great Holiday season!
We will be back in 2023 to keep promoting the Host-Microbe Symbiosis, Genomics and Metabolomics field of research and fostering collaboration among our partners:
#IGCiencia, #itqbnova, #embl, #kieluni, #unil.
#igciencia #itqbnova #embl #kieluni #unil
Do you enjoy #ComputerScience and want your work to have an impact on #plants #microbiome research?
Join the team of Eva Stukenbrock and me in #Kiel as a #PostDoc! Fully funded #job for 3 years in a beautiful place.
(Photo: Jürgen Haacks / #KielUni)
#computerscience #plants #microbiome #kiel #postdoc #job #kieluni