So I made a #zine last weekend about my #film watch through of the movies in the appendix of #HouseOfPsychoticWomen by #KierLaJanisse.
Includes a few bits and bobs about #possession1981 #thebrood1979 #letsscarejessicatodeath #Identikit #blackcoatsdaughter and #phenomena (my faves so far)
I made it digitally in Canva, which was a new way for me, but a good experience (I missed the tactile aspect so much). It looks pretty close to my default aesthetic anyway.
Have to test print in colour and black and white to see what looks best before doing more copies
#zine #film #houseofpsychoticwomen #kierlajanisse #possession1981 #thebrood1979 #letsscarejessicatodeath #identikit #blackcoatsdaughter #phenomena