Gizmodo: George R.R. Martin on Why House of the Dragon Is Still Filming During the Strikes #200708writersguildofamericastrike #inamericantelevision #australianlaborparty #houseofthedragon #georgerrmartin #sagaftrastrike #georgerrmartin #strikeaction #kierstarmer #sagaftra #aflcio #hbo
#200708writersguildofamericastrike #inamericantelevision #australianlaborparty #houseofthedragon #georgerrmartin #sagaftrastrike #strikeaction #kierstarmer #sagaftra #aflcio #hbo
#insurrection #KierStarmer
The Coming Insurrection, a celebrated tome written by a French collective, pronounced in 2007, ‘Everyone agrees that things can only get worse.’ The ‘Everyone’ certainly now includes the prevailing political parties, who now have only feeblest notion of what might be ‘better’ as opposed to worse. The abjectivity is universal in Western Europe, especially in Britain.
Note to #KierStarmer do not align the UK Labour Parth with #Brexit you will lose
@adambienkov @3DayMonk Regarding #brexit the government not only relies on distractions but on a weak and/or compliant media.
Interviewers really don’t push hard enough and therefore let the people down. And why isn’t #KierStarmer being honest with us?