THE SYMPATHIZER (2024) TV Mini-series Trailer: Robert Downey Jr. stars in a Vietnam War Spy Thriller [Max]
#FilmBook #TVMini-seriesTrailer #AlanTrong #DuyNguyen #FredNguyenKhan #HBOMax #HoaXuande #KieuChinh #Max #RobertDowneyJr. #SandraOh #TheSympathizer #ToanLe #TVMini-SeriesTrailer #VyLe
#filmbook #tvmini #alantrong #duynguyen #frednguyenkhan #hbomax #hoaxuande #kieuchinh #max #robertdowneyjr #sandraoh #thesympathizer #toanle #vyle
#AppleTVPlus Week in Review
#TheBigDoorPrize 📅
#EvaTheOwlet 📅
#Tetris 📅
#CarpoolKaraoke ⏳
#Extrapolations ⏳
#HelloTomorrow ⏳
#MyKindOfCountry ⏳
#TheProblem ⏳
#TedLasso ⏳
#Liaison 🎉
📅 Premiere ⏳ Ongoing 🎉 Finale
New premieres:
#BigBeasts: Apr 21
#TheAfterparty S2: Jul 12
#KillersOfTheFlowerMoon: Oct 6 in theaters
Filming soon:
Dev news:
#TheSavant ordered
#ForAllMankind S5
#LouGehrig series
3 in #TheInstigators
#KieuChinh in #SinkingSpring
#sinkingspring #kieuchinh #theinstigators #lougehrig #ForAllMankind #ferrari #thesavant #KillersoftheFlowerMoon #TheAfterparty #bigbeasts #liaison #tedlasso #theproblem #mykindofcountry #hellotomorrow #extrapolations #carpoolkaraoke #tetris #evatheowlet #thebigdoorprize #appletvplus
#KieuChinh has joined the cast of #SinkingSpring, starring #BrianTyreeHenry.
Chinh will play a crime family matriarch.
The #AppleTVPlus crime drama series is currently filming in Philadelphia.
#appletvplus #briantyreehenry #sinkingspring #kieuchinh