The (Newtonian) #Physics or #ClassicalMechanics of #ChangeManagement according to the #kihbernetic worldview:
The #Force required to put the change in motion is proportional to its #Mass or how large the change is; because the bigger the change the more #Friction it creates. The #Gravity, or how immediate the necessity to change is, will also increase the friction of the #ResistanceToChange.
However, once the change is put in motion, the #Acceleration produced by the mass’s #Inertia will start “pulling” the change by itself and only minimal force will need to be applied to #Control that the change is moving in the right direction and/or with the right speed of change.
#acceleration #kihbernetic #force #ResistanceToChange #inertia #physics #classicalmechanics #changemanagement #gravity #mass #friction #control