Eva · @avadesordre
200 followers · 1812 posts · Server mastodon.uno

nel 1953 muoiono il pittore polacco naturalizzato francese esponente de l'École de Paris e la modella e attrice francese Alice Prin, nota come

La Frileuse (Kiki de Montparnasse) by Moïse Kisling, 1925

#29Aprile #accaddeoggi #moisekisling #kikidemontparnasse

Last updated 2 years ago

it's kat! · @kathimmel
370 followers · 2058 posts · Server mstdn.social

'all i need is an onion, a bit of bread & a bottle of red…& i will always find someone to offer me that.’
/#history: it helped that alice prin (born in 1901) was unconventionally & extraordinarily easy on the eye. when, at the age of twelve, she broke free from the
grandmother who’d barely managed to drag her up, alice fled to paris to live with her mother. it was an arrangement that didn’t last & alice almost immediately fell in with the artists of montparnasse. she began posing (sometimes nude) for photographers, painters & film directors. running with the cool kids meant the muse needed a suitable moniker. she chose kiki - &, as she’d carved her niche deep in the 14th arrondissement, it was only natural that she added ‘de montparnasse’ as her new surname. six years with man ray did not tame her & kiki probably didn’t flinch much when he dumped her for lee miller.

#Illustration #Portrait #Paris #kikidemontparnasse #MastoArt #otd #Art

Last updated 2 years ago