What if there is no real …

They are just taking all the chips to build that will be used when we the of all sites not licenced by and the rollout of the ?

And the only reason they allowed the and was to respectively, test the existing capabilities in a and keep people divided, distracted and more-highly spied upon in the interim?

How fantastical, yes?

#chipshortage #killerDrones #protest #internetblackout #cageFam #CentralBankDigitalCurrency #GeorgeFloyd #CapitolProtest #drone

Last updated 3 years ago

= +

That company that not only collects your data, including every you do on 's . Not only serves 30% of the internet, not only helps to train with , not only can deny you access to critical websites at its discretion…

They do all this while claiming .

#GAFCAM #gafam #cloudflare #DNSlookup #mozilla #firefox #killerDrones #hCaptcha #internetsecurity #protectAndWebServe #extort #extortion #internetMafia #mafia #dronewarfare #bigdata #gfc #moneyPrinterGoBrr #internetIncestFamily #plutocracy

Last updated 4 years ago