"Can a Symbol Help Stop the Harm – Disability Designator ID and Disability Deaths" – PART FOUR – The Murder of Christian Glass by Colorado Police:
CONTENT WARNING (CW): the details and videos of this event may be disturbing to some.
Last June 2022: Christian Glass called 911 when his car went off the road in Clear Creek County Colorado near the town of Silver Plume, leaving him stranded in the Rocky Mountains. He told the operator he was very afraid, "coming off of a depression" and said, "I will not be fine on my own". He continued, "if I got out of the car, I might be in danger", also telling the operator about some amateur geology tools he had, which included, a hammer, rubber mallet and two knives. He said "I'm not dangerous. I will keep my hands completely visible" and offered to throw the tools out of the car when police arrived. It sounds like Christian Glass was afraid of interacting with law enforcement. Despite all of the information provided by Christian in the 25 minute call, the 911 operator told police he was "very paranoid" and "not making much sense".
When police arrived, he again offered to throw the tools out of the window which, they told him not to do. Officers commanded him to get out of the vehicle but, he was too afraid. When an officer wielding a firearm asked why, Christian replied, "Sir, I'm terrified". Seven officers were pointing their weapons at him, which would likely have that effect on anyone. Eventually five different agencies were on the scene including the previously mentioned Idaho Springs PD, Colorado State patrol and Georgetown police. Remember, this was a stranded "motorist in distress call", which usually does not require an army. The 911 operator's inaccurate depiction of the call most likely contributed to the militant reaction by police.
The gang of officers attempted to get him out of the car for approximately 70 minutes, during which he made a heart with his hands, blew kisses and prayed. Clear Creek Deputy Andrew Buen shattered the front window and Christian was shot with beanbags. He began to flail in the driver seat when one of the officers yelled, "SOMEONE TASE HIS ASS". Deputy Buen blasted Christian Glass with his stun gun and he began screaming hysterically, "Lord hear me", pleading for mercy from the officers. One officer was heard saying, "you can still save yourself".
Deputy Andrew Buen then shot 22-year-old Christian with his pistol, firing at least five bullets. His body was dragged out of the vehicle and he was pronounced dead on the scene. In a statement the following day, the Clear Creek sheriff's department called him "the suspect", described him as "argumentative and uncooperative" and falsely accused Mr. Glass of attempting to stab an officer. The coroner ruled it a homicide with the cause of death being multiple gunshot wounds. The evidence suggests that Christian Glass feared police so much that, after he was tasered, he tried to stab himself.
Deputy Andrew Buen and his supervisor, Sgt. Kyle Gould, were subsequently charged with: second-degree murder, official misconduct, reckless endangerment (for Buen) and reckless endangerment and criminally negligent homicide (for Gould). Sgt. Gould gave the order to forcibly remove Christian Glass from his vehicle. He was released on only $50,000 bail, while the other Deputy was released on only $2500. They had their first court appearance last December, 2022. Deputy Buen was already accused of excessive force in another $407,000 lawsuit.
The murder of Christian Glass, who was born in New Zealand, and is also a citizen of the UK, made international headlines. The governments of both countries have asked for answers about this case. In May, 2023, the parents of Christian Glass were awarded the largest known police settlement in the history of Colorado and, as a part of the ruling, Clear Creek County was ordered to have a properly trained crisis response team by the year 2025. Because none of the swarm of officers tried to stop this murder, fueled by ignorance and aggression, the $19 million settlement will be paid by all agencies involved as follows:
⦁ Clear Creek County will pay $10 million.
⦁ Georgetown will pay $5 million.
⦁ State of Colorado will pay $3 million for the Colorado State Patrol officer and two Division of Gaming investigators that stood by and watched.
⦁ Idaho Springs, the department that victimized Brady Mystic, will pay $1 million.
$19 million sends a loud message but, unfortunately, it won't bring Christian back. Again the question that comes to mind: Would a symbol or disability identification have saved Christian from this fate? Is it any wonder, that so many with invisible disabilities and mental health challenges are afraid to call for police assistance? How many crimes occur that are not reported for this reason, and how many others have been murdered only to have it covered up.
The final part of this series will cover another high profile murder by the infamous Aurora Colorado police. That case, resulted in a $15 million settlement, which was the largest in that state, prior to the Christian Glass settlement.
Links to parts one, two and three are below.
OutOfExile_IDR ™ – © 2023
Christian Glass murder: What we know: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/christian-glass-shooting-colorado-video-b2344279.html
Clear Creek deputy who shot Christian Glass was afraid he would stab an officer: https://www.cpr.org/2022/09/15/clear-creek-county-shooting-update/
Judge: "Clear Creek Deputy intentionally and maliciously caused harm" https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/christian-glass-case-motion-dismiss-denied-clear-creek-deputies/
Body cam footage of the moments before Christian's death: https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/23/us/christian-glass-death-colorado-settlements/index.html
Deputies fired and indicted: https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/24/us/christian-glass-colorado-clear-creek-officers-police-shooting/index.html
Largest police settlement in Colorado history: https://www.cpr.org/2023/05/23/christian-glass-settlement-what-we-know-about-the-case/
The Killing of Christian Glass – Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Christian_Glass
PART ONE: https://kolektiva.social/@OutOfExile_IDR_Voice/110710011783405013
PART TWO: https://kolektiva.social/@OutOfExile_IDR_Voice/110732685184804207
PART THREE; https://kolektiva.social/@OutOfExile_IDR_Voice/110738275935209052
#change #accommodation #understanding #DisabilityCommunity #SpeakUp4Change #DisabilitySolidarity #MentalHealth #DisabilityRights #decency #respect #dignity #SocialJustice #InvisibleDisabilityRights #KillerCops #StopKillingUs #TearDownTheWall
@disabilityjustice @disability
#change #accommodation #understanding #disabilitycommunity #speakup4change #DisabilitySolidarity #mentalhealth #DisabilityRights #decency #respect #dignity #socialjustice #InvisibleDisabilityRights #killercops #stopkillingus #teardownthewall
Shopping while black and trans: San Francisco's pro-cop puppet DA Brooke Jenkins has chosen NOT to prosecute an on-duty security guard for murdering Banko Brown, a black trans man and lgbtq community organizer. Brown was unarmed and had a receipt at the Walgreens where he was murdered.
Jenkins was installed as a puppet DA by probusiness SF mayor London Breed, after a right wing recall campaign removed progressive DA Chesa Boudin. Under Boudin's leadership, racist cop killings had been reduced to nearly 0.
#TransLivesMatter #lgbtq #transphobia #racism #TransRightsAreHumanRights
#KillerCops #police #acab
#translivesmatter #lgbtq #transphobia #racism #transrightsarehumanrights #killercops #police #acab
Today in labor history April 30 1886: 50,000 workers in Chicago were on strike. 30,000 more joined in the next day. The strike halted most of Chicago’s manufacturing. On May 3rd, the Chicago cops killed four unionists. Activists organized a mass public meeting and demonstration in Haymarket Square on May 4. During the meeting, somebody threw a bomb at the cops. The explosion and subsequent gunfire killed seven cops and four civilians. Nobody ever identified the bomber. None of the killer cops was charged. However, the authorities started arresting anarchists throughout Chicago.
Ultimately, they tried and convicted eight anarchist leaders in a kangaroo court. The men were: August Spies, Albert Parsons, Adolph Fisher, George Engel, Louis Lingg, Michael Schwab, Samuel Felden and Oscar Neebe. Only two of the men were even present when the bomb was thrown. The court convicted seven of murder and sentenced them to death. Neebe was give fifteen years. Parson’s brother testified at the trial that the real bomb thrower was a Pinkerton agent provocateur. This was entirely consistent with the Pinkertons modus operandi. They used the agent provocateur, James McParland, to entrap and convict the Molly Maguires. As a result, twenty of them were hanged and the Pennsylvania mining union was crushed. McParland also tried to entrap WFM leader, Big Bill Haywood, for the murder of Idaho Governor Frank Steunenberg. Steunenberg had crushed the WFM strike in 1899, the same one in which the WFM had blown up a colliery. However, Haywood had Clarence Darrow representing him. And Darrow proved his innocence.
On November 11, 1887, they executed Spies, Parson, Fisher and Engel. They sang the Marseillaise, the revolutionary anthem, as they marched to the gallows. The authorities arrested family members who attempted to see them one last time. This included Parson’s wife, Lucy, who was also a significant anarchist organizer and orator. In 1905, she helped cofound the IWW. Moments before he died, Spies shouted, "The time will come when our silence will be more powerful than the voices you strangle today." And Engel and Fischer called out, "Hurrah for anarchism!" Parsons tried to speak, but was cut off by the trap door opening beneath him.
Workers throughout the world protested the trial, conviction and executions. Prominent people spoke out against it, includin Clarence Darrow, Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, and William Morris. The Haymarket Affair inspired thousands to join the anarchist movement, including Emma Goldman. And it is the inspiration for International Workers’ Day, which is celebrated on May 1st in nearly every country in the world except the U.S.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #anarchism #haymarket #LucyParsons #IWW #EmmaGoldman #strike #union #8HourDay #PoliceBrutality #KillerCops #prison #DeathPenalty #Pinkertons
#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #haymarket #lucyparsons #IWW #EmmaGoldman #strike #union #8hourday #policebrutality #killercops #prison #deathpenalty #Pinkertons
Funny how these differences in local culture play out:
"A former New York police officer who shared a jail cell with Jeffrey Epstein at the time of the sex trafficker’s suicide executed four men and then buried them in a mass grave."
- In Russia, people 'fall out of a window'.
- In the USA, they 'share a cell with a cop.'
#fallingoutofwindows #killercops #Russia #Epstein
Please share to help support the family of an #Atlanta man, gunned down by plain clothed officers, for smoking #marijuana, which is #decriminalized here. #PoliceBrutality #killercops #ACAB #JusticeforOsiris
🔗 🐦 https://twitter.com/AtlantaJustice/status/1640003345791213568
#justiceforosiris #ACAB #killercops #policebrutality #decriminalized #marijuana #Atlanta
#LisaEdwards #ICantBreathe #ACAB
Being a white elderly woman doesn't keep someone safe from #killercops
#lisaedwards #icantbreathe #acab #killercops #USAShitShow
"Steep" rise in deaths - 69 people were killed by police in Canada last year, a record that continues a sharply rising trend
Findings show “persistent” racial disparities — with Black & Indigenous people shot by police at 3x the rate of their combined population
#FashWatch #FashWatchCanada #ACAB #LethalForce #KillerCops #Data #Research #FTP
#fashwatch #fashwatchcanada #acab #lethalforce #killercops #data #research #ftp
Jesus Christ!
"As Tyre Nichols sat propped against a police car, bloodied, dazed and handcuffed after being beaten by a group of Memphis police officers, one of those officers took a picture of him and sent it to at least five people, the Memphis Police Department said in documents released by the state on Tuesday."
#Ebro on why the U.S. is fucked up:
#ebro #policebrutality #killercops #CapitolRiot #insurrection
"Ohio man dies after being shot by police as he was cleaning out late grandmother's apartment."
#InMemoriam #JoeFrasure #SayHisName
#AbolishthePolice #AbolishCops #UglyCops
#KillerCops #MurderousCops #EvilCops
#evilcops #murderouscops #killercops #uglycops #abolishcops #abolishthepolice #sayhisname #joefrasure #inmemoriam
From the Monday episode of #Countdown from #KeithOlbermann
We must stop minimizing each death and using terms like, "fatal encounters with law enforcement officers"
We are all hostages to the police!
#murderwithabadge #killercops #tyrenichols #keitholbermann #countdown
The #TyreNichols #protests have been #peaceful. The people who believe #BlackLivesMatter are doing their part. In spite of the depraved actions of those #killercops who clearly believed they were above the law, the protests have been peaceful.
It's time for our leaders to get to work on meaningful #policereform like passing the #GeorgeFloydPolicingAct to take a step in the right direction. Rebalance public safety funding to focus on actual #publicsafety instead of violently oppressing black and brown people.
Get to work!
#tyrenichols #protests #peaceful #blacklivesmatter #killercops #policereform #georgefloydpolicingact #publicsafety
#TyreNicholsVideo ... so bad it doesn't matter when it's released #TyreNichols #KillerCops #ACAB https://twitter.com/Louielookoutson/status/1618974200399810561
#tyrenicholsvideo #tyrenichols #acab #killercops
Black Lives Matter co-founder’s cousin dies after L.A. police blasted him with a Taser
Body camera video released by the LAPD showed officers responding to a traffic accident involving Keenan Darnell Anderson, a Black man who died at a hospital after he suffered a medical emergency about 4½ hours after his arrest.
"Rate of fatal police shootings in the United States from 2015 to November 2022, by ethnicity"
#ACAB #AbolishthePolice
#KillerCops #EvilCops
#evilcops #killercops #abolishthepolice #ACAB
"Rate of fatal police shootings in the United States from 2015 to November 2022, by ethnicity"
#ACAB #AbolishthePolice
#KillerCops #EvilCops
#evilcops #killercops #abolishthepolice #ACAB
Bienvenue & Welcome to the
In the category of #WTFCity is ...
Having already lost the title of #TheQueerMecca, #SF decided to contribute to the national #USAShitShow by allowing...wait for it.... #killerrobots to be used by
#killercops ! Congrats, Board of Supervisors!
To quote #AlPacino's Jimmy Hoffa in #Scorsese's #TheIrishman 'You dumb motherFUCKERS!!'
#whatthefuckiswrongwithyouawards #wtfcity #sanfrancisco #thequeermecca #sf #USAShitShow #killerrobots #killercops #alpacino #scorsese #TheIrishman