We are here at By The Harbor Market in Oak Harbor, WA! We'll be here until 4pm. Murdock is wearing his Orca "Puget Dog" bandana in honor of Tokitae 💙
#ByTheHarborMarket #OakHarbor #GreatDane #Dogs #PugetDog #PetBandana #DogBandana #RIPTokitae #Tokitae #Orca #Lolita #HonorTokitae #WhidbeyIsland #PennCove #PugetSound #LummiNation #Lummi #WashingtonState #SkaliChelhtenaut #SalishSea #Miami #Seaquarium #OrcaWhale #KillerWhile
#killerwhile #orcawhale #seaquarium #miami #SalishSea #skalichelhtenaut #washingtonstate #lummi #lummination #pugetsound #penncove #whidbeyisland #honortokitae #lolita #orca #Tokitae #riptokitae #dogbandana #petbandana #pugetdog #Dogs #greatdane #oakharbor #bytheharbormarket
We are here at By The Harbor Market in Oak Harbor, WA! We'll be here until 4pm. Murdock is wearing his Orca "Puget Dog" bandana in honor of Tokitae 💙
#ByTheHarborMarket #OakHarbor #GreatDane #Dogs #PugetDog #PetBandana #DogBandana #RIPTokitae #Tokitae #Orca #Lolita #HonorTokitae #WhidbeyIsland #PennCove #PugetSound #LummiNation #Lummi #WashingtonState #SkaliChelhtenaut #SalishSea #Miami #Seaquarium #OrcaWhale #KillerWhile
#killerwhile #orcawhale #seaquarium #miami #SalishSea #skalichelhtenaut #washingtonstate #lummi #lummination #pugetsound #penncove #whidbeyisland #honortokitae #lolita #orca #Tokitae #riptokitae #dogbandana #petbandana #pugetdog #Dogs #greatdane #oakharbor #bytheharbormarket
R.I.P Tokitae 💙 no amount of words can express how heartbreaking and frustrating this is that she didn't make it back home to her family in the Puget Sound 💔
#RIPTokitae #Tokitae #Orca #Lolita #WhidbeyIsland #PennCove #PugetSound #LummiNation #Lummi #WashingtonState #Sk'aliCh'elh-tenaut #SalishSea #Miami #Seaquarium #OrcaWhale #KillerWhile
#killerwhile #orcawhale #seaquarium #miami #SalishSea #sk #washingtonstate #lummi #lummination #pugetsound #penncove #whidbeyisland #lolita #orca #Tokitae #riptokitae