💺 Kilmarnock's substitutes: Kieran O'Hara
💺 Kilmarnock's substitutes: Kieran O'Hara
🏃 Kilmarnock's starting players: Corrie Ndaba
💺 Kilmarnock's substitutes: Kieran O'Hara
🏃 Kilmarnock's starting players: Corrie Ndaba
💺 Kilmarnock's substitutes: Kieran O'Hara
About time the feelgood factor returned to Rugby Park! #kilmarnock #Killie #byebyerangers 😉
#byebyerangers #killie #kilmarnock
🏃 Kilmarnock's starting players: Corrie Ndaba
💺 Kilmarnock's substitutes: Kieran O'Hara
🆚 Dunfermline 0-1 Kilmarnock
🅰️ Corrie Ndaba assisted a goal for Kilmarnock on 3m
🏃 Kilmarnock's starting players: Corrie Ndaba
💺 Kilmarnock's substitutes: Kieran O'Hara
Gin ye ain't got the do re mi, fowks,
You ain't got the do re mi,
Why, ye better gang back tae bonnie #Killie,
Tourhill, New Ferm, Onthank, Shortlees;
Fair auld London's a gairden o Eden,
A paradise tae bide in or see,
But trew me, ma chiel
Ye'll no forder sae weel
Gin ye ain't got the do re mi.
#ScotsLeid #scots #woodyguthrie #killie
This is where I come from
#auldpics #scotland #kilmarnock #killie
Am I supposed to have an #intro post?
Hhmmm. What can I say?
ROY : 🐿️⛰️🏃🚶🌻🎶🫖☕🍕☮️🪢🍚🍄🥔🥕🫑😂
#hills #scotland #killie #tech #vegetarian #photos #nature #food #spirituality #rpi #yes #independence
May the long-time sun shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way on
Boosts/Likes not endorsement. Views mine alone.
#independence #yes #rpi #spirituality #food #nature #photos #vegetarian #tech #killie #scotland #hills #intro
Je vous ai déjà expliqué ce qu’était un killi. En voici un autre
Un jeune mâle de Chromaphyosemion species Kompina KV 03-21
#Fundulopanchax #Aphyosemion #chromaphyosemion #Killifish #killi #killie #aquariumlife #aquarium #GuinéeEquatoriale #equatorialguinea
#Fundulopanchax #Aphyosemion #chromaphyosemion #killifish #killi #killie #aquariumlife #aquarium #guineeequatoriale #equatorialguinea
Je pense être le premier ici sur ce réseau à parler de killis, de petits poissons appréciés par les aquariophiles et vivant dans les marigots ou ruisseaux du monde entier ( excepté l'Océanie)
Ici, un mâle Fundulopanchax avichang Tubo GEMGV 12-02
Il vit en Guinée Équatoriale
#Fundulopanchax #Aphyosemion #Killifish #killi #killie #aquariumlife #aquarium #GuinéeEquatoriale #equatorialguinea
#Fundulopanchax #Aphyosemion #killifish #killi #killie #aquariumlife #aquarium #GuinéeEquatoriale #equatorialguinea
No football for me today ☹️ Off to play pool and drink beer with old friends.
Last home game before the World Cup break too. Really need the points so we're not adrift when the league resumes. Good luck #Killie #KilmarnockFC
RT @mikesherov@twitter.com
Just published a new blog post: "How to Kill IE11 - What the Deaths of IE6 and IE8 Tell Us About Killing IE"
How can we as an ecosystem finally move past IE11 and ES5? What can you do to help? How can we #killIE?