And, lastly, the obvious.
I ran across this Rage Against the Machine 15-minute documentary on white supremacy, which I thought made a lot of good important points! Especially recommended if you are white:
#white #whiterace #whitesupremacy #racism #killinginthenameof #slavery #capitalism #capitalists #killinginthenameof #ratm #rageagainstthemachine
#white #WhiteRace #whitesupremacy #racism #killinginthenameof #slavery #capitalism #capitalists #ratm #rageagainstthemachine
"Rail workers unions have been trying to make their grave concerns heard for a very long time -and had even warned about the possibility of just such a crash only *a month ago*. But neither the ministry nor media showed interest or investigated."
#privatization #liberalization #killinginthenameof 💶 💸
#killinginthenameof #liberalization #privatization