But this is just the tip of the iceberg since many directly ship and to without ever advertising them. The true number of wild horses and burros entering the slaughter as a direct result of the is likely much larger than what AWHC's investigation has uncovered to date.

It's obvious: Handing out cash to adopt is a dangerous and fiscally irresponsible plan.


#wildanimals #aip #pipeline #slaughter #burros #horses #killpens

Last updated 1 year ago

- Numerous have been identified on their second round and even third round of despite of their previously adopted in . One group of 12 individuals brought in $82,000 in dollars thanks to this .

- The influx of wild horses and burros into as a result of the has now exceeded the capacity of to take in the animals.


#rescueorganizations #aip #slaughterauctions #scheme #taxpayer #killpens #animals #disposing #aipadoptions #adopters

Last updated 1 year ago

In this report, investigators uncovered the following:

- Over 1,000 -branded and were identified in in 22 months.

- Over a dozen known groups of related individuals have adopted multiple wild horses and burros to the same address, then flipped all the animals to kill pens as a group after receiving the full .


#incentivepayments #killpens #burros #wildhorses #blm #awhc

Last updated 1 year ago