My new polite way to tell festering ass wounds is:
“May your future be as good as you are kind.”
#polite #killthemwithkindness
my experience has been that the meanest person on mastodon is 10x nicer than the kindest person on twitter and i wish i was exaggerating for effect but im genuinely not #loveithere #mastodonforthewin #killthemwithkindness
#killthemwithkindness #mastodonforthewin #loveithere
One of my favourite bands
#idles #killthemwithkindness #Music #musik #musique #musica
#antifascist #music #musik #música
'KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS' from our new album #ULTRAMONO'. Out now on Partisan Records. LISTEN/PURCHASE: TOUR TICKETS - h...
#AntiFascist #Music #musik #música #idles #killthemwithkindness #ULTRAMONO
#music #musica #musique #musik
#IDLES - #KILLthemWithKINDNESS (Official #MusicVideo)
'KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS' from our new album 'ULTRA MONO'. Out now on Partisan Records. LISTEN/PURCHASE: TOUR TICKETS - h...
#musik #Music #musica #musique #idles #killthemwithkindness #musicvideo
@yukiame @Johncdvorak @adam so if you see a numbers station troll, rather than simply block them, be firm, don’t buy in to their narrative, but ask them how their day is, how their family is doing, and that their employer is paying them properly.
These are people to, who are just out to make a living, provide for their family and put food on the table.
#KillThemWithKindness as Kev would say
Take up the challenge, see if you can domesticate them. Your own pet troll
#killthemwithkindness #SpaceyBodyCount