Kim Dotcom sur Twitter : "EXCLUSIVE from a #NordStreamSabotage whistleblower: I am writing to you as a concerned citizen of the world, wishing for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine. My identity is not of importance. What matters is the sharing of my story so that the world can understand…" / Twitter #kim_dotcom #sabotage #nordstream #étatsunis #1st_revue #0_archivebox #2nd_frm
#2nd_frm #0_archivebox #1st_revue #etatsunis #nordstream #sabotage #kim_dotcom #nordstreamsabotage
> After more than nine years of legal battles, the staggering cost of the various copyright-related cases against Kim Dotcom and Megaupload have now been made public. Government lawyers in New Zealand have spent 40,500 hours working on cases related to Dotcom, in addition to burning through more than US$2.6 million in ancillary costs.
#lang_en #megaupload #internet #kim_dotcom