"We show that 558-million-year (Ma)-old tube worm-like #Calyptrina and mollusc-like #Kimberella possessed a gut and shared a #diet of green #algae and bacteria. Despite their ancient age, sterol #metabolism within the gut of both organisms was already comparable to extant invertebrates.
#Dickinsonia, one of the key #Ediacaran animals, show no traces of dietary molecules, indicating a different feeding mode and possible external #digestion analogous to modern #Placozoa."
#calyptrina #kimberella #diet #algae #metabolism #dickinsonia #ediacaran #digestion #placozoa
"[S]cientists have confirmed that they have found the world’s oldest meal – in a fossil of an animal that lived 558 million years ago.
Kimberella appears to have had a digestive system that was capable of selecting the sterols it needed to absorb into its tissue, while discarding the unusable molecules. “[...] That means that Kimberella already has this pretty sophisticated way of feeding.”"
#palaeontology #fossils #ediacara #kimberella
Älteste Mahlzeit der Welt: Fossile Moleküle verraten Darminhalt von 550 Millionen Jahre alten Ediacara-Wesen (scinexx)
#Ediacarium #Fossil #Evolution #Mahlzeit #Kimberella #dasneueuniversum
#ediacarium #fossil #evolution #mahlzeit #kimberella #dasneueuniversum
Älteste Mahlzeit der Welt. Fossile Moleküle verraten Darminhalt von 550 Millionen Jahre alten Ediacara-Wesen (scinexx)
#Ediacarium #Fossil #Evolution #Mahlzeit #Kimberella #dasneueuniversum
#ediacarium #fossil #evolution #mahlzeit #kimberella #dasneueuniversum
Älteste Mahlzeit der Welt
Fossile Moleküle verraten Darminhalt von 550 Millionen Jahre alten Ediacara-Wesen
#Wissen #Ediacarium #Fossil #Evolution #Mahlzeit #Kimberella
#wissen #Ediacarium #fossil #evolution #mahlzeit #kimberella