#SayHerName #KimberléCrenshaw on Black Women Murdered by Oinkers and #DeSantis's #ProSlaveryCurriculum #BLM #ACAB #1312
#democracynow #sayhername #kimberlecrenshaw #desantis #proslaverycurriculum #blm #acab
The Tyee: Why Can’t Endometriosis Patients Win? (in Culture) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #CenterforEndometriosisCareAtlanta #sexuallytransmittedinfections #anti-Blackracisminhealthcare #AmericanCollegeofSurgeons #pelvicinflammatorydisease #polycysticovarysyndrome #endometriosisdiagnosis #endometriosisstigma #Dr.MelvinThornton #intersectionality #Dr.DonaldChatman #Dr.JeffArrington #KimberléCrenshaw
#BCNews #TheTyee #centerforendometriosiscareatlanta #sexuallytransmittedinfections #anti #americancollegeofsurgeons #pelvicinflammatorydisease #polycysticovarysyndrome #endometriosisdiagnosis #endometriosisstigma #Dr #intersectionality #kimberlecrenshaw
La colonización de la Interseccionalidad y cómo de nuevo las mujeres racializadas estamos fuera
CONTENIDO PREMIUM. A estas alturas el término "Inter
#AfroReflexión #FeminismoNegro #Feminismos #Opinión #Afroféminas #afrofeminas #afrofeminismo #feminismonegro #interseccionalidad #KimberléCrenshaw #MariánCortesOwusu #mujernegra #racismo #teoríafeminista
#afroreflexion #feminismonegro #feminismos #opinion #afrofeminas #afrofeminismo #interseccionalidad #kimberlecrenshaw #mariancortesowusu #mujernegra #racismo #teoriafeminista
Deja de sacar a las mujeres negras de la conversación
Mi identidad, sin embargo, es acumulativa. No se puede aislar. Soy una mujer negra; No puedo
#Actualidad #AfroReflexión #FeminismoNegro #Feminismos #Opinión #afrodescendientes #Afroféminas #afrofeminas #afrofeminismo #diáspora #discriminación #feminismonegro #interseccionalidad #JaynaDias #KimberléCrenshaw #misogynoir #mujernegra #racismo
#actualidad #afroreflexion #feminismonegro #feminismos #opinion #afrodescendientes #afrofeminas #afrofeminismo #diaspora #discriminacion #interseccionalidad #jaynadias #kimberlecrenshaw #misogynoir #mujernegra #racismo
Links to some of the black scholars #DiSantis doesn't want you to read.
Among them are #KimberléCrenshaw #AngelaDavis #bellhooks and #RobinD.G.Kelley.
#Disantis #kimberlecrenshaw #angeladavis #bellhooks #robind
"[T]he worst thing that happened to Black history during #BlackHistoryMonth was not Ron DeSantis banning critical concepts and approaches—it was the College Board revising its new #AfricanAmericanStudies curriculum to meet all of his demands. But now scholars in #BlackHistory, #BlackStudies and related fields are fighting back. #KimberléCrenshaw will explain. She founded the #AfricanAmericanPolicyForum."
#CRT #wokebashing #ChasseAuxWokes
#startmakingsense #chasseauxwokes #wokebashing #crt #africanamericanpolicyforum #kimberlecrenshaw #BlackStudies #blackhistory #africanamericanstudies #blackhistorymonth
"The Columbia University and UCLA law professor and co-founder of the African American Policy Forum thinktank, believes that the escalations against racial history teaching, in Florida and elsewhere represent “the tip of the iceberg” of rightwing efforts to retract the progress since the civil rights era and push America towards authoritarianism.
"“Are [schools] on the side of the neo-segregationist faction? Or are [they] going to stick with the commitments that we’ve all celebrated for the last 50, 60 years?” Crenshaw asked, referring to headway made on equal opportunities since the 1960s.
"“The College Board fiasco, I think, is just the tip of the iceberg. There are a lot of interests that have to make this decision,” she said …
"Even apart from outrage at states moving to ban the [College Board Advanced Placement] course outright, if the edited version ends up being the course’s final form when it is set to launch fully in 2024, Crenshaw cautions that states teaching the significantly pared-down version will see its students earning the same credits as those studying the fuller version that includes the kind of contemporary and intersectional material she views as vital.
"Making such core topics optional “is exactly the same structure of segregation”, she said. “It’s like ‘we’re going to create this so that the anti-woke [camp] will permit states to decide whether they want the segregated version, or whether they want a more fully representative and inclusive version,’” said Crenshaw."
#CriticalRaceTheory #Intersectionality #BlackLivesMatter
#AfricanAmericanStudies #CollegeBoard
#Florida #DeSantis #AntiBlackness #Racism
#kimberlecrenshaw #criticalracetheory #intersectionality #blacklivesmatter #AfricanAmericanStudies #collegeboard #florida #desantis #antiblackness #racism
#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #Feminism #Respect #KimberléCrenshaw
The point of feminism is you shouldn't have to be a man to be treated with equal respect.
- Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #feminism #Respect #kimberlecrenshaw
#KimberléCrenshaw #CRT #DemocracyNow #BlackHistory #POChistory #BIPOChistory #history
#kimberlecrenshaw #crt #democracynow #blackhistory #pochistory #BIPOCHistory #history #Education #intersectionality #CriticalRaceTheory
The Florida College Board has removed Kimberlé Crenshaw, bell hooks, Ta-Nehisi Coates and others from the curriculum for its new Advanced Placement course in African American studies.
Black Lives Matter, affirmative action, queer life and reparations are no longer topics for examination, but only research project options.
Ron DeSantis had announced he would block the course, based on a draft.
The head of the Board "denied that the course was watered down due to political pressure."
#Florida #AfricanAmericanStudies #BlackLivesMatter
#KimberléCrenshaw #Intersectionality
#bellhooks #TaNehisiCoates
#DeSantis #AntiBlackness #Racism #DontSayGay
#florida #AfricanAmericanStudies #blacklivesmatter #kimberlecrenshaw #intersectionality #bellhooks #tanehisicoates #desantis #antiblackness #racism #DontSayGay
#BlackHistory #BlackHistoryMonth
Intersectionality and Activism
Black Queer Studies
Movements for Black Lives
Black Feminist Literary Thought
The Reparations Movement
#Black Study and Black Struggle in 21st Century
#blackhistory #blackhistorymonth #kimberlecrenshaw #angeladavis #roderickferguson #lesliekayjones #bellhooks #black #robindgkelley
Una politica comune della liberazione – di Roberto Ciccarelli #capitaleantropomorfo #Critichedellacrisi #RobertoCiccarelli #homepage-feature #intersezionalità #KimberleCrenshaw #CristinaMorini #capitaleumano #Soggettività #capitalismo #forzalavoro #LeaMelandri #ElsaDorlin #femminismo #autonomia #KarlMarx #politica #potenza #classe #genere #lavoro #lotta #razza #sesso
#capitaleantropomorfo #critichedellacrisi #robertociccarelli #homepage #intersezionalità #kimberlecrenshaw #cristinamorini #capitaleumano #soggettività #capitalismo #forzalavoro #leamelandri #elsadorlin #femminismo #autonomia #karlmarx #politica #potenza #classe #genere #lavoro #lotta #razza #sesso