Donald Trump Jr. to serve as father's media surrogate at GOP debate #DonaldTrumpJr #Trump #GOPDebate #RNC #election2024 #KimberlyGuilfoyle #politicaliq #news #politics
#DonaldTrumpJr #trump #gopdebate #rnc #election2024 #kimberlyguilfoyle #politicaliq #News #politics
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Aubrey O'Day Says She First Had Sex With 'Soulmate' Donald Trump Jr. in Gay Club Bathroom #Jezebel #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #americanpeopleofgermandescent #kimberlyguilfoyle #donaldtrumpjr #humaninterest #michaelcohen #donaldtrump #gavinnewsom #danitykane #vanessa #aubrey #spanx #day #ia
#jezebel #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #americanpeopleofgermandescent #kimberlyguilfoyle #donaldtrumpjr #humaninterest #michaelcohen #donaldtrump #gavinnewsom #danitykane #vanessa #Aubrey #spanx #day #ia
Re Trump indictments…
#TrumpIndictments #DonaldTrump #CriminalTrump #KimberlyGuilfoyle #JackSmith #MerrickGarland #AlvinBragg #LetitiaJames #FaniWillis
#FaniWillis #letitiajames #AlvinBragg #MerrickGarland #jacksmith #kimberlyguilfoyle #criminaltrump #DonaldTrump #TrumpIndictments
It's a reverse Dorian Gray. Somewhere in an attic, there is a painting that keeps getting better looking every day.
When she bellowed,
“THE BEST IS YET TO COME!” she must’ve been talking about the stream of indictments, arraignments, trials, and convictions awaiting her career criminal boyfriend’s career criminal father.
#KimberlyGuilfoyle #DonaldTrumpJr #DonaldTrump #TrumpCrimeFamily
#trumpcrimefamily #DonaldTrump #donaldtrumpjr #kimberlyguilfoyle
“What’s the big deal? Harlan, the boys, and I had gotten together do discuss replacing his ‘Native American with Arms Outstretched’ sculpture with something more timely, buxom, and coke-inspired — like Guilfoyle’s ‘The Best Is Yet to Come!’”
#ClarenceThomas #SCOTUS #corruption #KimberlyGuilfoyle #TheBestIsYetToCome
#thebestisyettocome #kimberlyguilfoyle #Corruption #SCOTUS #clarencethomas
#KimberlyGuilfoyle Fired for "Sexually Inappropriate Behavior"
#FoxNews #sexabuse
#kimberlyguilfoyle #foxnews #sexabuse
A New Yorker report, published a month before the 2020 election suggested that Guilfoyle was fired from Fox because of sexual harassment allegations made by a former assistant. The report said that Guilfoyle showed lewd photos of male genitalia to her colleagues, discussed sexual matters at work, and urged the assistant “to submit to a Fox employee’s demands for sexual favors,” and exposed her naked body to the assistant, asking for a critique.
A #NewYorkerreport, published a month before the 2020 #election suggested that #KimberlyGuilfoyle was fired from #Foxbecause of #SexualHarassment allegations made by a former assistant. The report said that Guilfoyle showed #lewd photos of male genitalia to her colleagues, discussed sexual matters at work, and urged the assistant “to submit to a Fox employee’s demands for sexual favors,” and exposed her naked body to the assistant, asking for a critique.
#newyorkerreport #election #kimberlyguilfoyle #foxbecause #sexualharassment #lewd
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Horny Week Asks the Timeless (Metaphorical!) Question: F*ck, Marry, Kill? #Jezebel #sebastianstancollectively #howtoloseaguyin10days #kimberlyguilfoyle #jacquelinekennedy #fscottfitzgerald #englishprofanity #ernesthemingway #madisoncawthorn #jimmygaroppolo #michaelbjordan #patrickmahomes #kyrstensinema #interjections #hunterschafer #berniesanders #sandrabullock #isaac
#jezebel #sebastianstancollectively #howtoloseaguyin10days #kimberlyguilfoyle #jacquelinekennedy #FScottFitzgerald #englishprofanity #ernesthemingway #madisoncawthorn #jimmygaroppolo #MichaelBJordan #patrickmahomes #kyrstensinema #interjections #hunterschafer #berniesanders #sandrabullock #isaac
I bet #TrumpJr's phone died and he's stuck on the toilet waiting for #KimberlyGuilfoyle to come wipe his bottom, but she's out lap dancing.
The best case against Gavin Newsom's fitness to be CA governor would've been that he was married (by choice) to #KimberlyGuilfoyle for five years!
#OMG! This is #hilarious. The #freakout continues! #Trump called #KimberlyGuilfoyle of #FoxNews. #Scandalous! #MediaMatters
#omg #hilarious #freakout #trump #kimberlyguilfoyle #foxnews #scandalous #mediamatters