#seoul #korea #CandleLightMovement
A woman, dressed in black robes, bends over in a barren dusty landscape to pick something up off the ground and put it in a blue trash bag.
The picture invokes images of a convict doing community service.
The caption says: 도이치 모터스 주식 줍닌 여인 / "a women picks up Deutsch Motors stocks"
First lady #KimGeonHee is said to have profited from a criminal stock price manipulation conspiracy for which Deutsch Motors CEO was prosecuted.
#seoul #korea #candlelightmovement #kimgeonhee #촛불행동 #윤석영퇴진 #김건희특검
#CandleLightMovement #촛불행동 17th candlelight parade to take place tomorrow (Sat 3 Dec).
Demanding special investigation in to #KimGeonHee (first lady #김건희) corruption scandals.
Demanding president #YoonSukYeol step down due to numerous scandals and incompetence.
Assemble at City Hall subway station 4pm.
#candlelightmovement #촛불행동 #kimgeonhee #김건희 #yoonsukyeol