Fan of #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #supernatural #wolfpack #StarGate #StargateAtlantis #Hellraiser most of the classic #slashers #foundFootage #hauntedObjects #KoreanHorrorMovies #kdrama, currently obsessed with #AlchemyOfSouls
I read mostly urban fantasy #kimHarrison #seananMcguire #PatriciaBriggs
It's been a while since I checked out new authors. If you like those authors, tell me who to check out!
Love any music you can dance to #GoaTrance #disco #80sNewWave #00spop #SistersOfMercy #RobZombie
#goatrance #disco #80snewwave #00spop #sistersofmercy #robzombie #startrek #startrektos #supernatural #wolfpack #stargate #stargateatlantis #hellraiser #slashers #foundfootage #hauntedobjects #koreanhorrormovies #kdrama #alchemyofsouls #kimharrison #seananmcguire #patriciabriggs
Currently rereading the #KimHarrison #Hollows series. Comfort read! And you? #reading
#kimharrison #hollows #reading
Let's see how many hashtags of nerdilicious awesomeness we can add here...
#writer #author #wheeloftime #wot #brandonsanderson #MichaelWhelan #Tor #KimHarrison #JimButcher #KevinHearne #JimCHines #CassandraClaire #SarahJMaas #MarissaMeyer
#fantasybooks #ILikeBigBooks #historicalromance #historybooks #urbanfantasy
#history #IrishHistory #EnglishHistory #AmericanHistory #GreekHistory #mythology
#writer #author #wheeloftime #wot #brandonsanderson #michaelwhelan #Tor #kimharrison #jimbutcher #kevinhearne #jimchines #cassandraclaire #sarahjmaas #marissameyer #fantasybooks #ilikebigbooks #historicalromance #historybooks #urbanfantasy #bridgerton #johannalindsay #history #irishhistory #englishhistory #americanhistory #greekhistory #mythology
@BethBarnes Apparently I can’t count…
#TanyaHuff #TKingfisher #SeananMcGuire #JodiTaylor #IlonaAndrews #PatriciaBriggs #KimHarrison #MiraGrant #NaliniSingh #KellyArmstrong #MarthaWells
#MarthaWells #kellyarmstrong #nalinisingh #miragrant #kimharrison #patriciabriggs #ilonaandrews #joditaylor #seananmcguire #tkingfisher #tanyahuff
@suebavey @oakelmash @bjornlarssen @WittyAndSarcasticBookclub @biblionerdrflxn @bluebookballoon
10 favorite authors 🤔 I have so many but let's go with
#lyrawolf #catreactor #nathanhall #sarahchorn #kimharrison #nkjemisin #rinchupeco #victoriaschwab #brianjacques #TracyDeonn
Let's see if there are any fantasy readers out there who are mutuals in #bookstodon
Favorite authors:
#bookstodon #kimharrison #rachelcaine #MarkLawrence #nkjemisin #lyrawolf #ilonaandrews #devonmonk
Oooh fun. Here are my 5-7 current top favourite authors:
#JayKristoff and #AmyKaufman (they count as one in this case because their books together rock my world)
#Bookwyrm #bookstodon #leighbardugo #kimharrison #michellepaver #amykaufman #jaykristoff #BenAaronovitch #lainitaylor #terrypratchett