Seeing #KimYongUn celebrating his birthday with #Russia's inept minister of self-damage #SergeiShoigu and #CCP politbureau member #LiHongzhong goes to show how #China is actively siding with pariah states such as Putin's Mordor and #NorthKorea.
We all should take notice, and we all should take action and reduce dependance. #decoupling
PS: Who else thinks of the bullies of Simpsons when reading these news?
#kimyongun #russia #sergeishoigu #ccp #lihongzhong #china #northkorea #decoupling
Well, well: #KimYongUn is giving #TrollandDump a run for the money for the title "most irresponsible and inept ruler": After admitting that his economic plan had failed, #NorthKorea's dear leader now announces to further expand - the country's armed forces. Yup, that sounds like a sustainable track to economic growth and development - NOT!
#kimyongun #TrollandDump #northkorea
From #Trump to #Putin, #XiJinping, #Erdogan and #Bolsonaro to #Duterte (not even mentioning #KimYongUn here), way too many leaders engage in a questionable #cultofpersonality.
This is a clear and authoritarian challenge for #civicrights, #mediafreedom and the #RuleOfLaw.
This needs to be met with resolute resistance.
#trump #putin #xijinping #erdogan #bolsonaro #duterte #kimyongun #cultofpersonality #civicrights #mediafreedom #ruleoflaw