Kuriózní případ řeší policisté na Mostecku. Dvě děti snědly bonbóny s příměsí THC, které našly venku v obalu od Kinder Surprise. https://www.irozhlas.cz/zpravy-domov/drogy-kinder-surprise_2308311303_zuj
https://www.pub-x.com/191149/ 🔴 Live: lot of candy & kinder joy opening ASMR | サプライズたまごおもちゃがたくさんオープン #AsmrVideos #Asmrビデオ #ChocolateAsmr #ChocolateOpeningLive #KPopGirls #K-popIdols #KinderJoy #KinderJoyOpeningLive #KinderJoyUnpacking #KinderSurprise #live #カラーグリッターキンダー #キンダージョイのオープニングライブ #ジョイ(Joy) #チョコレート #チョコレートAsmr #チョコレートオープニングライブ #親切な喜び #親切な喜びの開梱
#asmrvideos #asmrビデオ #chocolateasmr #chocolateopeninglive #kpopgirls #k #kinderjoy #kinderjoyopeninglive #kinderjoyunpacking #kindersurprise #live #カラーグリッターキンダー #キンダージョイのオープニングライブ #ジョイ #チョコレート #チョコレートasmr #チョコレートオープニングライブ #親切な喜び #親切な喜びの開梱
@jgilbert Like the rest of our countrymen, we must wrestle with Kinder Joy packaging and wipe our tears on our pocket handguns. #kindersurprise
[1983] Kinder Surprise - Advert for the popular brand of chocolate eggs that contain mini figures/toys inside. The ad was eventually pulled from air after complaints of this scaring children. "Chocadooby!".
#OldBritishTelly #kindersurprise
Blessed are European-born aunts who smuggle #KinderSurprise into the US for her adult neices
Refreshing my Intro post:
I'm a writer and sociologist with multiple interests (see website link in my bio):
As a researcher and an educator working in the #Jewish community, I write about #Jews and the #jewniverse #mazeldon. I also write on #antisemitism and #racism
As a #metalhead I enjoy writing on #metal #metaldon
Other interests: #denialism
#language #kindersurprise
#books #politics #leftwing
#sociology #dialogue #religion
Most of all I am #curious about the world.
#curious #religion #dialogue #sociology #leftwing #politics #books #kindersurprise #language #denialism #Metaldon #metal #metalhead #racism #antisemitism #mazeldon #jewniverse #jews #jewish
On 1 March 2023 I am going to be giving a guest lecture at University of Wisconsin-Madison. If anyone within about an hour or two's flight from Chicago or Milwaukee (or 4-5 hours drive) is interested in hosting me, before or after that date, as a speaker or lecturer then do let me know. Happy to speak about #jews #antisemitism #metal or #KinderSurprise !
#jewniverse #mazeldon #kindersurprise #metal #antisemitism #jews
I guess it's not that surprising the 🇺🇲 Kinder Surprise on the right would be larger than the regular #kindersurprise on the left. I grew up with the regular one. #comparisons found on Twitter
A day that begins with new translations of The (#KinderSurprise) Message is a good day. These are the first 3 translations I have received into any of the #languages of #Nigeria and they were supplied by the mother of Karima Turay-Davis, of the Newham Bookshop:
Ndahii lo. Bi Kaa bi ndama gbateh.Ndoli Hani gi ii beni ndopo yeya ina ngi voi ii ya guni a foo Sawa.
Gargadi: A hattara! Abin wasan bai dace da kananan yasa ba. Za su iya hadiyewa ko cusa kananan ballen a hanci
#Nigeria #languages #kindersurprise
Une série de jouets que j’adorerais voir dans les #kinderSurprise : Einstein, Tesla, Curie, Galilei, Lovelace, Ératosthène, Copernic, Pythagore, Al-Khwarizmi, George Lemaître, Maria Mitchell, Alfred Wegener, Newton… 😍
Ce serait un vrai plaisir de voir mes fils jouer avec de tels personnages : Albert contrôle le temps, Marie est radioactive, Nikola envoi des éclairs,…
Je crois que je ferais moi-même la collection, comme quand j’étais gosse avec la bande des hippos…