Chelsea's Psalms and Poems to praise the Lord that will bring His presence!
A collection of psalms and poems composed by the author and inspired by the Lord to praise His name. It's a beautiful variety of thanksgiving, desires of the heart, and more. These psalms and poems will bring you into the presence of the Lord. Holy Spirit loves to sing through us. He loves to hear us sing to Him. God sits upon the praises of His people.
1 John 1:4 KJV
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The Blessing is powerful and impacts thousands of generations!
Numbers 6:24-26, “May God give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.” (Psalm 20:4, NIV)
#TheBlessing #blessings #favour #favor #JesusChrist #Blesser #childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindle #ebook #Kobo #ebooks #childrenbooks #kids #kidsbooks #childrenbooks #books #blessing #blessingsabound #blessed #childrenbooklover #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #bookclub #bookclubreads #kindsforbook #amazonbooklover #amazonbookmarketing #amazonbookpromotion #amazonbooks #Amazon #usabooklover #usa #amazonkindle #amazonkindlebooks #amazonkindleunlimited #books #booklover #bookmarketing #canada #canadabooklover
#theblessing #blessings #favour #favor #JesusChrist #Blesser #childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindle #ebook #kobo #ebooks #childrenbooks #kids #books #blessing #blessingsabound #blessed #childrenbooklover #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #BookClub #bookclubreads #kindsforbook #amazonbooklover #amazonbookmarketing #amazonbookpromotion #amazonbooks #usabooklover #usa #amazonkindle #amazonkindlebooks #amazonkindleunlimited #booklover #bookmarketing #canada #canadabooklover
O taste and see that the Lord is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! ( Psalm 34:8)
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindle #meetingGod #seekHisface #tabernacle
#seekGod #seeGod #encounterGod #experienceHim #meettheLord #meetHolySpirit #meetChrist #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #barnesandnoble #teaching #bibleteaching #ebook #Kobo #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #tentofmeeting #childrenbooklover #kids #kidsbooks #childrenbooks #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #bookclub #bookclubreads #kindsforbook #amazonbooklover #amazonbookmarkering #amazonbookpromotion #amazonbooks #Amazon #usabooklover #usa #amazonkindle #amazonkindlebooks #amazonkindleunlimited #books #booklover #bookmarketing #canada #canadabooklover
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindle #meetingGod #seekHisface #Tabernacle #seekgod #seeGod #EncounterGod #experienceHim #meettheLord #meetHolySpirit #meetChrist #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #BarnesandNoble #teaching #bibleteaching #ebook #kobo #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #tentofmeeting #childrenbooklover #kids #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #BookClub #bookclubreads #kindsforbook #amazonbooklover #amazonbookmarkering #amazonbookpromotion #amazonbooks #usabooklover #usa #amazonkindle #amazonkindlebooks #amazonkindleunlimited #books #booklover #bookmarketing #canada #canadabooklover
But flee from these things, you man of God, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness. (1 Timothy 6:11)
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindle #manofGod #manafterGodsheart #David #fearGod #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #barnesandnoble #teaching #bibleteaching #ebook #Kobo #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #godliness #righteousness #faithfulness #bold #confident #feartheLord #love #perseverance #gentleness #kindness #faith #holiness #strength #confidence #encouragement #childrenbooklover #kids #kidsbooks #childrenbooks #books #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #bookclub #bookclubreads #kindsforbook #amazonbooklover #amazonbookmarkering #amazonbookpromotion #amazonbooks #usabooklover #usa
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Children will learn about fasting and the benefits that it has both physically and spiritually. They will discover the different kinds of fasts through examples and what is true fasting.
Joel 1:14
Consecrate a fast, Proclaim a solemn assembly; Gather the elders
And all the inhabitants of the land To the house of the Lord your God, And cry out to the Lord.
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindle #fasting #Danielfast #40DaysFast #21daysfastofDaniel #fastingforchildren #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #barnesandnoble #teaching #bibleteaching #ebook #Kobo #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #childrenbooklover #kids #kidsbooks #childrenbooks #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #bookclub #bookclubreads #books
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindle #fasting #Danielfast #40DaysFast #21daysfastofDaniel #fastingforchildren #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #BarnesandNoble #teaching #bibleteaching #ebook #kobo #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #childrenbooklover #kids #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #BookClub #bookclubreads #books
Hello Readers, I am sharing a book for children that teaches them about the fruit of the Spirit. They will learn about the characteristics of each one with photos to help with the explanation.
Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Ephesians 5:9
(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #teaching #bibleteaching #ebook #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #fruitofthespirit #HolySpirit #CharacterOfGod #KindleUnlimited #kindle #kindlebooks #love #joy #peace #patience #selfcontrol #gentleness #goodness #kindness #faith #righteousness #truth #childrenbooklover #kids #kidsbooks #childrenbooks #books #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #teaching #bibleteaching #ebook #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #fruitofthespirit #HolySpirit #CharacterOfGod #kindleunlimited #kindle #kindlebooks #love #joy #peace #patience #selfcontrol #gentleness #goodness #kindness #faith #righteousness #truth #childrenbooklover #kids #books #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion
My son, observe the commandment of your father And do not forsake the teaching of your mother; Bind them continually on your heart;Tie them around your neck. When you walk about, they will guide you; When you sleep, they will watch over you; And when you awake, they will talk to more. For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching is light; And reproofs for discipline are the way of life (Proverbs 6:20-23);jsessionid=AF55DD6BC4DBE72917420D684DDB8973.prodny_store01-atgap12?ean=9781777516833
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #barnesandnoble #teaching #puzzles #bibleteaching #fun #ebook #puzzle #Kobo #kidsactivities #recreation #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #youngchildren #childrenbooklover #kids #kidsbooks #books #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #BarnesandNoble #teaching #puzzles #bibleteaching #fun #ebook #puzzle #kobo #kidsactivities #recreation #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #youngchildren #childrenbooklover #kids #books #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub
Hello Readers, I am sharing a book for children that teaches them about the fruit of the Spirit. They will learn about the characteristics of each one with photos to help with the explanation.
Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Ephesians 5:9
(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #teaching #bibleteaching #ebook #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #fruitofthespirit #HolySpirit #CharacterOfGod #KindleUnlimited #kindle #kindlebooks #love #joy #peace #patience #selfcontrol #gentleness #goodness #kindness #faith #righteousness #truth #childrenbooklover #kids #kidsbooks #childrenbooks #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #teaching #bibleteaching #ebook #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #fruitofthespirit #HolySpirit #CharacterOfGod #kindleunlimited #kindle #kindlebooks #love #joy #peace #patience #selfcontrol #gentleness #goodness #kindness #faith #righteousness #truth #childrenbooklover #kids #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion
Smokey the Cat is an adorable Russian blue. He lives indoors and loves his freedom and the attention of people. Learn about Smokey's daily activities and favourite toys and friends. Help him also to find his way through mazes and solve puzzles with Smokey. You will also need to find him and connect the dots.
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Jerusalem is the only city God said belongs to Him. Israel is the apple of His eye. This book is filled with photos taken in Jerusalem and Bethany and opens the way for understanding the importance of each place. It put a desire in their heart to want to travel there. Children will understand the importance of the city and learn about it. They will know the blessings that come with this city and it relates to the Bible.
Psalm 122:3-5
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindle #seejerusalem #bethany
#Jerusalem #photos #travel #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #barnesandnoble #Lazarustomb #ebook #Kobo #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #kids #kidsbooks #childrenbooks #childrenbooklover #teaching #bibleteaching #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #bookclub #bookclubreads
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindle #seejerusalem #bethany #jerusalem #photos #travel #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #BarnesandNoble #Lazarustomb #ebook #kobo #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #kids #childrenbooklover #teaching #bibleteaching #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #BookClub #bookclubreads
Acts 2:3-4 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.
#knowingtheHolySpirit #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #audible #barnesandnoble #teaching #bibleteaching #ebook #Kobo #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #knowingholyspirit #HolySpirit #audiobooks #Amazon #audiblebooks #relationshipwithHolySpirit #intimacywithholyspirit #intimatewithholyspirit #connectwithholyspirit #KnowHolySpirit #alonewithholyspirit #kidsbooks #UnderstandingHolySpirit #listeningtoholyspirit #GiftsOfTheHolySpirit #childrenbooklover #kids #kidsbooks #childrenbooks #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #bookclub #bookclubreads #bookmarketing #canada #canadabooklover
#knowingtheHolySpirit #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #audible #BarnesandNoble #teaching #bibleteaching #ebook #kobo #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #knowingHolySpirit #HolySpirit #audiobooks #Amazon #audiblebooks #relationshipwithHolySpirit #intimacywithHolySpirit #intimatewithholyspirit #connectwithholyspirit #KnowHolySpirit #alonewithholyspirit #kidsbooks #UnderstandingHolySpirit #listeningtoholyspirit #GiftsOfTheHolySpirit #childrenbooklover #kids #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #BookClub #bookclubreads #bookmarketing #canada #canadabooklover
Psalm 34:11 Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
Children will enjoy these fun and easy-to-solve puzzles with stories right from the Bible. They can learn while doing the puzzles.
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#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #BarnesandNoble #teaching #puzzles #ebook #puzzle #ebooks #childrenbooks #youngchildren #childrenbooklover #kids #books #kobo #kidsactivities #recreation #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #bibleteaching #fun #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #BookClub #bookclubreads #kindsforbook #amazonbooklover #amazonbookmarketing #amazonbookpromotion #amazonbooks #Amazon #usabooklover #usa #amazonkindle #amazonkindlebooks #amazonkindleunlimited #booklover #bookmarketing #canada #canadabooklover
Romans 12:2
Children will enjoy these fun and easy-to-solve puzzles with stories right from the Bible. Get a copy to share with children today!
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #barnesandnoble #teaching #puzzles #ebook #puzzle #ebooks #childrenbooks #books #youngchildren #childrenbooklover #kids #kidsbooks #childrenbooks #Kobo #teachingkids #bible #kidsactivities #recreation #paperbackbook #bibleteaching #fun #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #bookclub #bookclubreads #kindsforbook #amazonbooklover #amazonbookmarketing #amazonbookpromotion #amazonbooks #Amazon #usabooklover #usa #amazonkindle #amazonkindlebooks #amazonkindleunlimited #books #booklover #bookmarketing #canada #canadabooklover
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #BarnesandNoble #teaching #puzzles #ebook #puzzle #ebooks #childrenbooks #books #youngchildren #childrenbooklover #kids #kobo #teachingkids #bible #kidsactivities #recreation #paperbackbook #bibleteaching #fun #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #BookClub #bookclubreads #kindsforbook #amazonbooklover #amazonbookmarketing #amazonbookpromotion #amazonbooks #Amazon #usabooklover #usa #amazonkindle #amazonkindlebooks #amazonkindleunlimited #booklover #bookmarketing #canada #canadabooklover
Esther 2:17
Children will enjoy learning the Bible while they do 5 different types of puzzles. It's a fun way to learn. Great to do home, church, traveling, in school, camp, retreats, fellowships, and clubs.
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#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindle #biblicalpuzzles #Esther #biblepuzzles #youngchildren #toddlers #puzzlebooks #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #BarnesandNoble #teaching #bibleteaching #ebook #kobo #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #childrenbooklover #kids #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #BookClub #bookclubreads
Smokey the Cat is an adorable Russian blue. He lives indoors and loves his freedom and the attention of people. Learn about Smokey's daily activities and favourite toys and friends. Help him also to find his way through mazes and solve puzzles with Smokey. You will also need to find him and connect the dots.
#Amazon #childrenbooks #ebooks #kidsbooks #puzzles #SmokeytheCat #Smokey #puzzlebook #children #kindle #kindleunlimited #kindlebooks #childrenbook #ebook #activities #children #cat #cats #Russianblue #cats #BarnesandNoble #childrenbooklover #kids #kidsbooks #childrenbooks #books #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #bookclub #bookclubreads #amazonbookpromotion #amazonbooks #usa #amazonkindlebooks #amazonkindleunlimited #books #booklover #bookmarketing #canada
#Amazon #childrenbooks #ebooks #kidsbooks #puzzles #SmokeytheCat #smokey #puzzlebook #children #kindle #kindleunlimited #kindlebooks #childrenbook #ebook #activities #cat #cats #Russianblue #BarnesandNoble #childrenbooklover #kids #books #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #BookClub #bookclubreads #amazonbookpromotion #amazonbooks #usa #amazonkindlebooks #amazonkindleunlimited #booklover #bookmarketing #canada
Now available on Amazon! Finally!
Hear, O sons, the instruction of a father, And give attention that you may gain understanding, For I give you sound teaching; Do not abandon my instruction. When I was a son to my father, Tender and the only son in the sight of my mother, read more. Then he taught me and said to me, “Let your heart hold fast my words; Keep my commandments and live; (Proverbs 4:1-4)
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Glory, Presence and Holy Spirit
Children will experience God's Shekinah Glory, His Presence, and the Holy Spirit! This exciting book teaches children how to enjoy God's Glory and Presence. They will encounter the Holy Spirit. Discover easy steps to get into it, what is the presence of God, and who is the Holy Spirit. Live in God's glory and stay in His presence. Holy Spirit will become your best friend.
Exodus 40:34-35
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O taste and see that the Lord is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! ( Psalm 34:8)
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindle #meetingGod #seekHisface #tabernacle
#seekGod #seeGod #encounterGod #experienceHim #meettheLord #meetHolySpirit #meetChrist #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #barnesandnoble #teaching #bibleteaching #ebook #Kobo #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #tentofmeeting #childrenbooklover #kids #kidsbooks #childrenbooks #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #bookclub #bookclubreads #kindsforbook #amazonbooklover #amazonbookmarkering #amazonbookpromotion #amazonbooks #Amazon #usabooklover #usa #amazonkindle #amazonkindlebooks #amazonkindleunlimited #books #booklover #bookmarketing #canada #canadabooklover
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I’d definitely recommend this book to my friends. It is a precious gift that can be passed on from generation to generation. It’s a lecture on the scriptures of God, it teaches children today how to pray and connect with God.
1 Thessalonians 5:17 - Pray without ceasing.
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Acts 2:1-4
John 14:26 - But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
#pentecost #shavuot #highholiday #Christian #HolySpirit #childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindle #ebook #ebooks #childrenbooks #childrenbooklover #kids #kidsbooks #childrenbooks #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #bookclub #bookclubreads #kindsforbook #amazonbooklover #amazonbookmarketing #amazonbookpromotion #amazonbooks #Amazon #usabooklover #usa #amazonkindle #amazonkindlebooks #amazonkindleunlimited #books #booklover #bookmarketing #canada #canadabooklover
#pentecost #shavuot #highholiday #christian #HolySpirit #childrensbook #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindle #ebook #ebooks #childrenbooks #childrenbooklover #kids #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #BookClub #bookclubreads #kindsforbook #amazonbooklover #amazonbookmarketing #amazonbookpromotion #amazonbooks #usabooklover #usa #amazonkindle #amazonkindlebooks #amazonkindleunlimited #books #booklover #bookmarketing #canada #canadabooklover