@HannahHowe Thank you, I really appreciate that! It's 12 March 1968.
The cashier at the supermarket checkout almost made me cry today. #KindnessOfStrangers
I've privately opened up to family, & friends current, past, & virtual. I'm being supported by them, & by you - mostly complete strangers, empathising, sympathising, relaying their own experiences, & not being at all judgey. 🙏
I've also realised I'll need to avoid comments on FB for a bit, I'm aah, more reactive with the crazies. Everyone will be better off if I'm not.😂
Thank you all so much. /fin
#fuckalzheimers #grateful #kindnessofstrangers #support #love #lifedonttalktomeaboutlife
Every so often, Malc and I get to our bus stop in #Leith and get to pick a #smile. It always makes me #smile #RandomKindness #KindnessOfStrangers #joy #StreetArt
#streetart #joy #kindnessofstrangers #randomkindness #smile #leith
I'm working on my bun boy's anima weapon today, and I've had nothing but lovely duty finder groups. As someone who always has dungeon/raid anxiety, no matter how competent I am, I'm so grateful for the kindness :blobcatsurprised:
#ffxiv #dutyfinder #heavensward #kindnessofstrangers
Hitchhiked through #Pensacola at 17 with my 18-year-old girlfriend in 1971. Camped in a tent, cooked a killer meal of shrimp and hush puppies, had sweaty sex, and decided heading farther south would not be a good idea. Thanks for feeding the hungry, bro. I could be there, as anyone else could.
#pensacola #kindnessofstrangers
Want to feel uplifted? Read all the stories at the bottom of this one…humans can be so good! #AngelsUntoEachOther #Human #Compassion #KindnessOfStrangers
#angelsuntoeachother #human #compassion #kindnessofstrangers
I think a lot about complete strangers that have helped me when I needed it: the guy who held my hand on a train b/c I was upset. The guy who got me on the right train when I was lost in NYC. (This is not about trains). The counter person who gave me chocolate cake for free when I was sick. Various women who have given me sanitary products in an emergency (if you’re a woman, you know). Nan, the nurse who delivered my baby. All the times, all of you, I’m grateful! ❤️
I just thought no one would employ someone who couldn't commute to work. Heaven forbid that! Someone who couldn't be in the office. He said he'd call me back. He did, and after only working with me for two weeks told me he'd be happy for me to work from home for the rest of the three-month contract. An unexpected act of kindness at a very difficult time in my life #LupusWarrior #KindnessofStrangers
#kindnessofstrangers #lupuswarrior
Around five years ago I was diagnosed with Lupus. I would struggle with daily tasks and one major task was working. When I was diagnosed I was working as a freelancer and 2 wks into a new contract. I struggled with the long commute. The diagnosis was confirmation that I was ill, that I wasn't just being lazy or that couldn't be in THAT much pain. I rang my manager & told him my diagnosis, that I couldn't cope with the commute, that I needed to leave 1/2 #LupusWarrior #KindnessofStrangers
#kindnessofstrangers #lupuswarrior