#Memories of #caregiving & hospital advocacy support for fellow longtime #Indigenous #activist sister from #Dakota nation, Lady Chainsaw, at VGH in Victoria. She's doing lots better now & back fiercely protesting in Vancouver. I chained us to logging road infrastructure at blockades. We've faced off against RCMP multiple times, together.
#KindredFriend #ActivistFriend #SistersByChoice #Landback #ACAB #ResistanceSisters #VancouverIsland #VictoriaBC #VictoriaGeneralHospital #SupportingFriends
#memories #caregiving #indigenous #activist #dakota #kindredfriend #activistfriend #sistersbychoice #Landback #acab #resistancesisters #vancouverisland #victoriabc #victoriageneralhospital #supportingfriends
Me & my #galpal Nadene 😊
She's taking me to #Ukee / #Ucluelet as an early 48th birthday gift, in a few weeks 🥰 She lives in Ladysmith & is a medical doctor; experienced in delivering complicated births. An Earth loving, environmentalist & a woman who has also, like me, given up on dating me. We are choosing to nurture our beautiful friendships more, instead.
#galpal #ukee #ucluelet #friendship #girlfriends #earlygalentines #kindredfriend