I note that the movie did briefly show a British Spider-woman with the surname Windsor. I feel she could have been a bit tweedier, but it was nice that they put in the effort to make His Majesty feel at home in the event that his duties ever require him to watch a Spider-man movie.
It saddens me to think that King Charles likely wouldn’t get most of the references to classic Spider-man artists in the movie I just saw on my day off for King’s Birthday Weekend.
#KingCharlesSpidermanKnowledgeEstimation #IsntItIronic #LikeRainOnYourWeddingDay #OnlySpiderman #OnYourOfficialBirthday #ThatIsntEvenYourRealBirthday #Ironic
#kingcharlesspidermanknowledgeestimation #isntitironic #likerainonyourweddingday #onlyspiderman #onyourofficialbirthday #thatisntevenyourrealbirthday #ironic
Now that there are so many different Spider-mans, I think they should make a special Royal Spider-man to appeal to King Charles. Royal Spider-man would enjoy big band jazz and be able to do the voices of all the Goon Show characters. He would fly a Harrier Jump Jet. He would be an Anglican, but his best friends would be a Sikh Spider-man and a Buddhist Spider-man. Most of his Spider-man work would be done in the Scottish Highlands.
I reckon he’s probably heard of Spider-man, and if he needed to shake hands with someone who was cosplaying in the original blue and red costume he’d know to say ‘What a marvellous Spider-man costume you have made, well done!’
But if it was the black alien symbiotic costume, he’d probably say ‘This is an excellent costume, what character are you performing as today?’ and listen politely for 15 seconds before moving on.