One of the most amazing accomplishments of the English Monarchy is the degree to which they've convinced the English middle and lower economic classes how integral they are to the country to the point where they're willing to get quite incensed about it if the Monarchy is questioned.
It's 2023. Do we really still need the Magic Man with the Hat of Stolen Diamonds who cheated on his 19 YO wife to the point where she considered suicide? #AnarchyInTheUK #KingChuck
DEUTSCHE WELLE #KingChuck to visit #France... #LOL...Then go taunt relatives in #Germany about their lack of a throne....
#WorldNews #News #Europe #UK #GreatBritan #KingCharles #RoyalFamily #BuckinghamPalace #PalaceOfVersailles
#palaceofversailles #buckinghampalace #royalfamily #KingCharles #greatbritan #uk #europe #news #worldnews #germany #lol #france #kingchuck