El texto en el mapa de bicicletas del condado de Monterey es bilingüe, español-inglés.
The 2023 Monterey County Bike Map has been completed and is now available online in 8-1/2 x 11 PDF formats. In addition, new Z-fold maps are anticipated to be available for distribution by August 2023.
The last edition was in 2016, so the new map is a cause of celebration for visitors and residents of #MontereyCounty.
The map includes the following cities and unincorporated communities of #MontereyCounty, and more, as well as the #SantaCruz County city of #Watsonville, which is just across the #PajaroRiver.
#CondadoDeMonterey #MontereyCounty
#montereycounty #santacruz #watsonville #pajaroriver #condadodemonterey #carmel #castroville #csumb #delreyoaks #gonzales #greenfield #kingcity #marina #monterey #mosslanding #pacificgrove #pajaro #pebblebeach #salinas #sandcity #seaside #soledad
With the passing of cold & wet weather conditions, work has resumed on a construction project to rehabilitate the #Hwy101 mainline & ramps & to perform a seismic retrofit & widening on the Salinas River Bridge near #KingCity. #MontereyCounty
#hwy101 #kingcity #montereycounty
Significant evacuations in Monterey County due to #flooding. King City hit hard. #Evacuations #CAwx #MontereyCounty #KingCity https://montereyco.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=905a9458324b4868804d96b5593eb978
#flooding #evacuations #cawx #montereycounty #kingcity